Archdiocese of Birmingham newsletter 20th June 2024

Archdiocese of Birmingham newsletter 20th June 2024

View in browser Website Events News The Lord always sees our struggle Reflection ­I love that image of a duck on the water; passing through with seeming tranquillity while webbed feet are kicking frantically beneath: grace above, struggle below.  There are many storms we will face in our lives and sometimes from the outside people…

Archdiocese of Birmingham newsletter 9th May 2024

Archdiocese of Birmingham newsletter 9th May 2024

View in browser Website Events News World Communications Day Reflection on World Communications Day At this time in history, which risks becoming rich in technology and poor in humanity, our reflections must begin with the human heart.  These words are drawn from Pope Francis’ annual message for World Communications Day – which is this Sunday,…

Archdiocese of Birmingham newsletter 2nd May 2024

Archdiocese of Birmingham newsletter 2nd May 2024

View in browser Website Events News Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church. Thanksgiving Mass for Marriage­ ­This Saturday 4 May the Archdiocese will be celebrating the gift of Marriage at the annual Thanksgiving Mass for Marriage, and couples will be invited to renew their commitment to one another. It is always encouraging to…

Archdiocese of Birmingham newsletter 25th April

Archdiocese of Birmingham newsletter 25th April

View in browser Website Events News Two New Auxiliary Bishops Appointed for the Archdiocese New Auxiliary Bishops Pope Francis appoints Monsignor Timothy Menezes and Canon Richard Walker to be the new Auxiliary Bishops for the Archdiocese  Prayerful congratulations to Mgr Timothy Menezes, Dean of St Chad’s Cathedral, and Canon Richard Walker, Vicar General, who have today (Thurs)…

Archdiocese of Birmingham newsletter 7th March 2024

View in browserWebsite Events News Stations of the Cross Could you or your business sponsor t-shirts for the youth teams attending Lourdes?­ Every year our young people do us proud on the Diocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage. They give their time to help our VIPs (assisted pilgrims) participate fully in the pilgrimage and experience the love of God…

Archdiocese of Birmingham newsletter 29th February

Archdiocese of Birmingham newsletter 29th February

View in browser   Website Events News   If I am merciful and generous then His image and likeness will be renewed in me. Safeguarding in Action: Deanery Roadshow – Banbury and Warwick The Diocesan Safeguarding team are visiting in person Immaculate Conception Church, The Causeway, Bicester, OX26 6AW 10am-2pm on Saturday 2 March. We…

Archdiocese of Birmingham newsletter 22nd February 2024

Archdiocese of Birmingham newsletter 22nd February 2024

View in browser   Website Events News   Preparing our hearts, minds and spirits for the journey of salvation  Dates for your diary: the month ahead   Fri 23 Feb: CAFOD Family Fast Day   Fri 23 Feb: The Crucifixion, Oxford   Fri 23 Feb: Prayer and Life Workshop: Nuneaton   Sat 24 Feb: Annual…

Archdiocese of Birmingham 15th February 2024

Archdiocese of Birmingham 15th February 2024

View in browser   Website Events News   God has called people into this relationship of trust over so many years. Reflection: First Sunday of Lent ­ The opening prayer for this Sunday’s Mass is as follows:“Grant, almighty God, through the yearly observances of holy Lent, that we may grow in understanding of the riches…

Archdiocese of Birmingham newsletter 8th February 2024

Archdiocese of Birmingham newsletter 8th February 2024

View in browser   Website Events News   Pope Francis requests prayers for and a commitment to the terminally ill and their families Rite of Election at St Chad’s Cathedral ­ Sunday 18 February at 3pm. In every Catholic Cathedral across the world, on the First Sunday of Lent, all those adults who have been…

Archdiocese of Birmingham Newsletter 11th January 2023

Archdiocese of Birmingham Newsletter 11th January 2023

View in browser   Website Events News   This Sunday is Peace Sunday   Reflection for Peace Sunday from Pax Christi ­ This Sunday is ‘Peace Sunday’ when we are invited to reflect upon how our encounter with Jesus, ‘The Lamb of God’ in the Gospel, commissions us to work for peace and justice in…

Archdiocese of Birmingham Newsletter 21st December 2023

Thu 21/12/2023 12:45 View in browserWebsite Events NewsWishing all a happy and blessed Christmas Reflection: Fourth Sunday of Advent­ Fr Michael Glover, currently studying in Rome, is sharing reflections for Advent.  Mary Holds the Word We are days away from the Solemnity of Christmas, the image of the pregnant Mary is most applicable now as the…

Archdiocese of Birmingham Newsletter 7th December 2023

Archdiocese of Birmingham Newsletter 7th December 2023

View in browser   Website Events News   Second Sunday of Advent – Mary Receives the Word   Reflection: Second Sunday of Advent ­ Fr Michael Glover, currently studying in Rome, is sharing reflections for Advent.   Mary Receives the Word   As we contemplate the image of the pregnant Mother of God, we remember…

Archdiocese of Birmingham Newsletter 9th November 2023

Archdiocese of Birmingham Newsletter 9th November 2023

Website Events News May we pray for all those who have died in war and conflict Reflection: Remembrance Sunday ­ I can’t help wonder why:Do those that lie here know why did they die?And did they believe when they answered the causeDid they really believe that this war would end wars? Well the sorrow, the suffering,…

Archdiocese of Birmingham Newsletter 26th October

Archdiocese of Birmingham Newsletter 26th October

Website Events News World Mission Sunday: Together we are Missio   Fr Michael Glover, Diocesan Director of Missio, reflects on World Mission Sunday  ­ You can also watch Fr Michael’s reflection   I am currently studying in Rome. Studying at the heart of the Church.  A beating heart of love and desire for every person…

View in browser   Website Events News   What unites them all is service         The Guild of St Stephen ­ Altar servers from across the Archdiocese are gathering this Saturday at St Chad’s Cathedral for our annual Guild of Saint Stephen Mass of Thanksgiving.  It is always a joy to see those…

Archdiocese of Birmingham newsletter 28th September

Archdiocese of Birmingham newsletter 28th September

Website Events News Synod: ‘…to bring his Good News to all peoples’ Reflection with Fr Jan Nowotnik A priest of the Archdiocese and Director of Mission at the Bishops’ Conference   Tomorrow (Fri) I shall be heading off to Rome to participate in the long-awaited Synod of Bishops, which begins with an ecumenical prayer vigil…

Archdiocese of Birmingham Newsletter 14th September 2023

Archdiocese of Birmingham Newsletter 14th September 2023

Website Events News Avoid getting into debt – except the debt of mutual love. Reflection – St Vincent de Paul ­ Jesus talks of mercy in terms of cancelling debts.  A servant’s debt of 10,000 talents (200 years of salaries!) is cancelled but he then cruelly abuses a fellow servant who owes him four months…

Archdiocese of Birmingham newsletter 14th September 2023

Archdiocese of Birmingham newsletter 14th September 2023

      Website Events News   Prayer doesn’t help our relationship with God, prayer IS our relationship with God! Evangelii Gaudium Sunday and The Year of Prayer   In preparation for the 2025 Jubilee Year “Pilgrims of Hope”, 2024 has been designated the Year of Prayer by Pope Francis.   There is a particular…

Archdiocese of Birmingham newsletter 17th August 2023

Archdiocese of Birmingham newsletter 17th August 2023

Celebrating the Blessed Martyrs who gave their lives for the faith, that we might have the consolation of our holy religion. Reflection: Harvington Hall Pilgrimage   This year is the centenary of Harvington Hall being given to the care of the Archdiocese in 1923.The pilgrimage does not go back quite that far. In a letter…

Archdiocese of Birmingham newsletter 29th June 2023

Archdiocese of Birmingham newsletter 29th June 2023

      Website Events News   Peter’s Pence and Pilgrimages Peter’s Pence: ‘Let us share the joys and sufferings of others, inspired by fraternal love’   Today (Thursday) is the Solemnity of St Peter and St Paul.The Peter’s Pence Collection usually takes place in our churches on the Sunday nearest to the feast of SS…

Archdiocese of Birmingham newsletter 22nd June

Archdiocese of Birmingham newsletter 22nd June

Seek Our Lady’s intercession at this year’s Hednesford Pilgrimage Reflection – the Hednesford Pilgrimage   The first two parish priests of Hednesford, Fr Patrick Boyle and Fr Joseph Healy, shared a great devotion to Our Lady of Lourdes and, because of their devoted service, both became Honorary Chaplains of the Sanctuary there. Fr Boyle also…

Archdiocese of Birmingham newsletter 2nd June 2023

Archdiocese of Birmingham newsletter 2nd June 2023

Let Justice and Peace Flow The Pope Video for June   Let us pray that the international community may commit itself concretely to abolish torture, guaranteeing support to victims and their families. Pope Francis – June 2023 Torture. Oh my God – torture!Torture is not past history. Unfortunately, it’s part of our history today.How is…

Archdiocese of Birmingham newsletter 25th May

Archdiocese of Birmingham newsletter 25th May

Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes “…to build a chapel here…” Reflection: “…to build a chapel here…”   The Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes begins this Saturday, 27 May.    This week’s reflection is from Fr Jeremy Howard, Lourdes Pilgrimage Director.   The pastoral theme at Lourdes this year moves on from Our Lady’s instruction to Bernadette to Go…

Archdiocese of Birmingham Newsletter 18th May 2023

Archdiocese of Birmingham Newsletter 18th May 2023

Heart speaks to Heart Reflection – World Communications Day   This year’s World Communications Day is celebrated on Sunday, 21 May 2023. The theme comes from Ephesians 4:15, Speaking with the heart – ‘The truth in love’. In his message to mark the day, Pope Francis stresses the need to listen before speaking truth with…

Archdiocese of Birmingham newsletter 20th April 2023

Includes details of Bishop David McGough’s funeral Mass, Isaiah Journey group Day of Prayer for Survivors of Abuse of 9th May, LOUDfence at St Chad’s Cathedral Sunday 7th to Saturday 13th May, Ecology ad Creation Theology Symposium at St Mary’s College, Oscott, New Dawn in the Church – Catholic Charismatic Family Pilgrimage Conference Monday 31st…

Archdiocese of Birmingham Newsletter 13th April

Including: Easter Message from Archbishop Bernard; Pope at Easter Urbi et Orbi; Christ is truly risen, hope is reborn for all!; Being a Welcoming Church: Refugees; Revisit Holy Week and the Easter Triduum at St Chad’s Cathedral; Volunteers needed at Tabor Living; Bishop David McGough’s Funeral at St Chad’s Cathedral; LOUDfence at St Chad’s Cathedral;…

News from the Archdiocese of Birmingham 6th April 2023

News from the Archdiocese of Birmingham 6th April 2023

Newsletter includes: Reflection for Easter Sunday; Bishop David McGough Funeral Details, Good Friday Walk of Witness, Easter Monday Masses, April God Who Speaks Resources, Friendships: The heart of ecumenical witness webinar, ‘The Spirit of the Lord is Upon Me’ online mini retreat, Day for Life Collection and Grants, Volunteer request for Tabor Living, Raising the…

News from the Archdiocese of Birmingham 30th March 2023

News includes Bishop David McGough RIP, a Reflection for Palm Sunday, Mass of Chrism in St Chad’s Cathedral, Good Friday Walk of Witness, welcoming a new Head of Safeguarding for the Archdiocese, LOUDfence at St Chad’s Cathedral, Responding to the Call of Creation, Invitation from Mary’s Meals: Pray in May, Mass for Marriage, ‘Eternity’ –…

Archdiocese of Birmingham newsletter 23rd March 2023

Including reflections for the Fifth Sunday of Lent, Holy Week in your Parish, Easter Monday Masses, CSAN Statement on the Illegal Migration Bill, Bishop Stephen new Chair of Trustees for CAFOD, ‘Eternity’ – what’s next?, Ecology and Creation Theology Symposium: Exploring a sacramental worldview, Applications open for young leaders Holy Land pilgrimage, Young Adults Crosswalk,…

Archdiocese of Birmingham Newsletter 16th March 2023

As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world – Pastoral Letter from Archbishop Bernard. Read on to find out more about a reflection for the 4th Sunday of Lent, more information about the ‘Love the Stranger’ publication, Mothering Sunday, an event about Oscar Romero: The Witness of Relics,…

Archdiocese of Birmingham newsletter 9th March 2023

Read on to learn more about Lenten reflections, Dementia Prayer week, Lourdes pilgrimage, Being a Welcome Church onine event, Cursillo Encounter Day, Good Friday Walk of Witness, the Laudato Si’ Animator course, Tasting the Silence four day retreat, Gregorian Chant Festival and support on how to reduce parish costs.

Archdiocese of Birmingham newsletter 23rd February 2023

Read on to find out more about Lenten reflections and activities, Missio, Being a Welcoming Church online events, a new group for autistic Catholic adults in Birmingham, Public lecture on St Thomas Aquinas on Christ’s priesthood, a job opportunity as a Human Resources Co-ordinator (part time) for the Archdiocese, Synod Continental Stage now complete and…