Archdiocese of Birmingham newsletter 20th June 2024

The Lord always sees our struggle

I love that image of a duck on the water; passing through with seeming tranquillity while webbed feet are kicking frantically beneath: grace above, struggle below.
There are many storms we will face in our lives and sometimes from the outside people will only ever see the stillness of a millpond.
The Lord always sees our struggle, hidden sacrifice, hidden effort, and he stands in it, like an anchor that holds us fast, holding us secure, and rooting us even as we feel our feet slipping away.
It’s reassuring to know that being a Christian does not mean life is always calm because otherwise it’s not really living. Some would rather we could magic the storm away, but that would be a fantasy that removes us and others of our agency. Grace wouldn’t be needed and we’d never develop or flex our great muscles and sinews of hope.
Fr Ryan Service
Assistant Priest at Holy Trinity & Sacred Heart, Sutton Coldfield

Steadfast Peacemaking
Justice and Peace Retreat, Saturday 29 June, sign up today!
St Paul’s Convent, Selly Park Road, Birmingham B29 7LL 10.30am-4.30pm.
‘Sumud’, is the Palestinian concept of steadfastness, resilience, persistence and non-violence.
We will: share our experiences of responding to the Gospel call to work for justice and peace in times of brokenness, violence and conflict; and have time for quiet reflection and prayer.
Listen to Ann Farr who has vast experience of what it is to be a Peacemaker both as an Ecumenical Accompanier in the Holy Land and by her many years of work leading Pax Christi.
Please book on as soon as possible so that St Paul’s Convent knows how many we are expecting.

Auxiliary Bishops Ordination, please join online on Tuesday 16 July
All welcome to join the Mass of Ordination live streamed from St Chad’s Cathedral
Earlier this year Pope Francis appointed Mgr Timothy Menezes, Dean of St Chad’s Cathedral, and Canon Richard Walker, Vicar General, to be new Auxiliary Bishops to serve our Archdiocese.
The Episcopal Ordination of Bishops-Elect Mgr Timothy and Canon Richard will take place at St Chad’s Cathedral on Tuesday 16 July at 12noon.
Due to limitations on space the Mass of Ordination is by invitation only, but all are welcome to join online via the cathedral’s live stream facility. The booklet for the Ordination will be available on the website and it is hoped it will also be recorded.
Invitations have already been issued and unfortunately it is not possible to give out any other invitations on request.
We kindly ask people do not turn up on the day as sadly there will be no space to accommodate extra visitors.

General Election, Thursday 4 July
Information and guidance on key issues of importance to us, as Catholics, to help inform how we vote: from Education and Environment to Life Issues and Migration.
With information and resources provided by: Catholic Bishops’ Conference, Caritas Social Action Network (CSAN), Catholic Education Service (CES), Columban Missionaries, CAFOD, The Catholic Union, Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC).

An Invitation to the Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes
All are welcome on the Annual Pilgrimage to Hednesford, Sunday 7 July
Fr Jeremy Howard has released a video invitation for all to attend the annual diocesan pilgrimage to Hednesford in Staffordshire. A Lourdes experience in our own Archdiocese.
Every year since 1969 (bar the Covid years), pilgrims have come to the shrine to honour Our Lady of Lourdes.
The pilgrimage offers a special insight into the care and community that pilgrims share with one another and is a great opportunity to meet old friends.

Are you looking to study Catholic theology?
Find out more about what’s on offer at Maryvale Institute
Recruitment for Bachelor of Divinity (BDiv) and Licence Programmes is now open for 2024/25, for those looking to study with the Maryvale Higher Institute of Religious Sciences (HIRS), the only ecclesial institute of this kind in the English-speaking world.
Maryvale HIRS operates both the BDiv and Licence Programmes, theology qualifications recognised by the Holy See.
Now recruiting for:
- Ecclesiastical Bachelor of Divinity Programme
- Ecclesiastical Bachelor of Divinity Programme: Oscott Diaconal Pathway
- Ecclesiastical Licence in Divinity: Pathway in Catechetical Sciences Programme

TIME4BRUM: Birmingham Church Leaders Summit
Standing Together for Our Young People. Saturday 13 July
Mount Zion Community Church, Thomas Street, Birmingham. 10.30am – 3.30pm.
In these urgent times, our city of Birmingham requires leaders with prophetic insight and decisive action. Clear spiritual leadership and a beacon of hope are essential.
TIME4BRUM is calling on all church leaders across Birmingham to unite for a pivotal summit. This gathering is not just an event; it is a call to action, a moment to stand together, seek God’s guidance, mercy, and grace, and cry out for vision, hope, and change.
Together, we will reach, inspire, and transform the future for our young people.

Sea Sunday, 14 July
Let us pray for seafarers, fishers, and the work of Stella Maris
When seafarers and fishers arrive in a foreign port, they are strangers, often thousands of miles from home.
Stella Maris’ chaplains and volunteer ship visitors welcome them, listen to their concerns, and help provide what they need.
Stella Maris’ chaplains and volunteer ship visitors answer Jesus’ call to give hospitality to the stranger.

Adoremus in My Parish
Sunday 15 September
The Catholic Church in England and Wales – bishops, priests and people from all dioceses – will gather at St Mary’s College, Oscott, on Saturday 14 September for a day to renew and deepen our devotion to the Eucharist.
St Mary’s College was the venue for the first Eucharistic Procession since the Reformation.
Unlike Adoremus in Liverpool in 2018, this is not a public event, although each diocese will send pilgrims.
On Sunday 15 September, the Bishops of England and Wales invite all parishes across our countries to have a period of Exposition to unite the faithful in focusing on the Eucharist in anticipation of the Jubilee Year with renewed and deepened devotion.
This can be a Holy Hour or a period of prayer in front of the Blessed Sacrament.

Theology After Blackfriars, academic conference
Tuesday 25 – Wednesday 26 June at Blackfriars, Oxford
Hosted by the Dominican Friars. An engaging two-day discussion of the intellectual contributions of the Oxford Dominicans of the last century.
The social upheavals and intellectual revolutions of the 20th century have produced continued pressure on theologians to reimagine the shape of theological discourse. One community that has modelled how to “go on” practicing theology in light of these developments is the English Dominicans at Blackfriars.
Established in Oxford in 1221, this community has contributed profound theological insights and novel approaches to received doctrine over the last century, often generated through creative retrievals of Thomas Aquinas in dialogue with thinkers as diverse as Jung, Heidegger, Wittgenstein, and Marx.
This two-day conference will historically situate and critically engage with the intellectual contributions of this community, evaluating their continued merits for the task of theology today.

Visit to the Serbian Orthodox Church of St Lazar in Birmingham
Wednesday 3 July
A visit hosted by the Midland Catholic History Society: St Lazar is the first Serbian Orthodox church to be built in England. Built in medieval Byzantine style the church interior is spectacularly decorated.
While the church does have the occasional open day for visitors, this is a rare opportunity for a smaller group to enjoy a visit hosted by the parish priest Fr Nenad.
Non-members of the Midland Catholic History Society are very welcome to join.
Bookings with fee of £5 per person no later than Thursday 27 June.

Jobs and Volunteering
Opportunities with the Archdiocese and other organisations
Chartered Surveyor (RICS) General Practice Surveyor The Archdiocese is seeking to recruit an enthusiastic and experienced RICS Chartered General Practice Surveyor to join its Property Team.
The key role of the Property Team is to provide advice and guidance for management of parish property, the school estate as well as manage all property held centrally by the Archdiocese. Permanent / Full-Time role. Application deadline: TOMORROW – Friday 21 June.
Roman Catholic Ordained Priest/Deacon, Religious Brother, Sister, Lay Person at HM Prison Birmingham.
HM Prison & Probation Service are recruiting. Closing date for applications – Friday 28 June.
Volunteers needed at St Mary’s College, Oscott The seminary of the Archdiocese of Birmingham.
Oscott College is looking to expand its volunteer team as a result of changes to the onsite museum and its promotion. We are looking for individuals to fill the following roles:
Tour guides (from September 2024)
Museum and Chapel stewards
Event assistants.
Do you have a passion for cooking and a heart for helping others? The Knights of Malta, in partnership with St. Catherine of Siena Church on Bristol Street, Birmingham are looking to host regular (starting monthly) food cafés/banquets at the St Catherine of Siena church.
They have a fully equipped industrial kitchen and a small team of dedicated volunteers, they really want to make a real difference in the lives of the homeless in Birmingham.
They are currently looking for a talented chef/cook to join them in creating delicious dishes and spreading warmth and comfort through food.
Cooking up some kindness together!
CAFOD School Volunteers Looking for a new challenge? Could you visit schools in your local area to deliver assemblies and workshops about our work and encourage young people to take action, fundraise and pray with CAFOD?
Use your skills for the common good and be an active part of creating a world without poverty.
Faith in Action Volunteer Programme The Columbans in Britain are excited to once again be recruiting young adult volunteers to embark on a year of personal development and growth as part of their unique Faith in Action Volunteer programme.
Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) Volunteers The charity needs help with:
- Sharing mailings with your parish
- Including ACN regularly in parish prayers
- Fundraising to support projects
- Supporting ACN school projects
- Leading a parish Red Wednesday event
Marriage Care Trustees The board of Catholic Marriage Care are seeking new members to join them in enabling the vital relationship support services they provide to the Catholic Community and beyond.
Marriage Care are the largest faith-based relationship support charity in the UK – providing marriage preparation, support, and low-cost relationship counselling to those in need and making the world of difference to couples and families.
Events and retreats beyond the Archdiocese

Bible Summit, London
St Patrick’s Church, Soho Square, Saturday 22 June
Reading the Bible is not always easy. In the busyness of life, our encounter with the Word of God is often just the readings at Mass or when we find a spare moment. Perhaps at times we find it dry, unexciting, or obscure – like reading a language we don’t fully understand.
Relatable? Then The Bible Summit is your answer.
The Bible Summit will bring together renowned Biblical experts for talks, sessions and panel conversations designed to help Catholics to encounter God in His Word, to learn and explore the rich, vibrant language of the ‘God who speaks’.
As part of the Summit, we’re also hosting an exclusive Student Meet with Dr Sri including a Q&A on faith and student life today: entry for current or recently graduated students is included in our discounted Student Tickets.
Dates for your diary: the month ahead
Thu 20 June: Online Academic Forum hosted by Maryvale Institute
Thu 20 – Sat 22 June: Renewing the Church: Discover the Royal Priesthood at St Mary’s University (Conference)
Fri 21 – Sun 23 June: Come and See! Vocations Weekend
Sat 22 – Sun 23 June: KYT host ‘It’s a Knockout’
Sat 22 June: Explore Carmelite Spirituality and Prayer
Sat 22 June: Bible Summit, London
Tues 25 June: Restore Training Course Session 3
Sat 29 June: Justice and Peace Retreat, Birmingham
Sat 29 June: Celebration Day – The Centre for Applied Carmelite Spirituality, Oxford
Sun 7 July: Diocesan Pilgrimage to Hednesford, Staffordshire
Mon 8 – Fri 12 July: Five-day pilgrimage to Walsingham
Sat 13 July: Birmingham Church Leaders Summit
Sun 14 July: Sea Sunday

We hope you are finding this e-newsletter useful. Please share with anyone you think will benefit, and encourage them to subscribe via the website.
If you have any news, events or information you’d like to share this way please email it to [email protected] marked ‘For Newsletter’.
It’s great to see information coming into us which we can share with others, please keep it coming!