Archdiocese of Birmingham newsletter 20th June 2024

Archdiocese of Birmingham newsletter 20th June 2024

View in browser Website Events News The Lord always sees our struggle Reflection ­I love that image of a duck on the water; passing through with seeming tranquillity while webbed feet are kicking frantically beneath: grace above, struggle below.  There are many storms we will face in our lives and sometimes from the outside people…

Archdiocese of Birmingham newsletter 9th May 2024

Archdiocese of Birmingham newsletter 9th May 2024

View in browser Website Events News World Communications Day Reflection on World Communications Day At this time in history, which risks becoming rich in technology and poor in humanity, our reflections must begin with the human heart.  These words are drawn from Pope Francis’ annual message for World Communications Day – which is this Sunday,…

Archdiocese of Birmingham newsletter 2nd May 2024

Archdiocese of Birmingham newsletter 2nd May 2024

View in browser Website Events News Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church. Thanksgiving Mass for Marriage­ ­This Saturday 4 May the Archdiocese will be celebrating the gift of Marriage at the annual Thanksgiving Mass for Marriage, and couples will be invited to renew their commitment to one another. It is always encouraging to…