Archdiocese of Birmingham Newsletter 11th April 2024
“Look at my hands and feet; yes, it is I indeed. Touch me and see for yourselves” |
![]() Third Sunday of Easter In this Sunday’s Gospel from Luke when we hear Jesus say to his disciples “Look at my hands and feet; yes, it is I indeed. Touch me and see for yourselves”, we are perhaps reminded of John’s Gospel of the ‘doubting’ Thomas. Wherever we find ourselves in our journey of faith, the invitation to a lively and fleshy faith is the same. We are invited to a faith that is built upon the skin and bones of loving charity, of encounter with the Lord in prayer and in the poor, while keeping our feet firmly on the ground of the historical moment we are blessed to share in. In Orvieto, Italy, there is a recently restored tabernacle made in the 17th century at the workshop of Ippolito Scalza. The tabernacle is remarkable for two reasons. One is that painted on the door is the gloriously risen Christ, holding his cross, and with a sun emblazoned above his head. Second, the keyhole to open the door is wonderfully placed at the side of Christ. Through this artistic impression we learn how the risen Lord feeds us and that we are to break through the walls of our resistance to reach to him, touching his wounded side. Perhaps there we will experience something of our woundedness and find that resurrection takes on a different and personal meaning. |

Modern Slavery Awareness Sessions
Hosted by the Medaille Trust and Father Hudson’s Care, Birmingham
The session will explore the different types of modern slavery and trafficking and some of the signs to look out for, its prevalence and what you can do to support survivors, as well as having the chance to ask any questions.
Wednesday 17 April and Thursday 18 April.

Good Shepherd Sunday
The Fourth Sunday of Easter is Vocations Sunday or Good Shepherd Sunday.
This year it is on Sunday 21 April, which marks the 61st Anniversary of World Day of Prayer for Vocations.
The Diocesan Vocations Office asks all to pray for an increase in vocations for the Archdiocese.
The Second Collection in our churches over the weekend 20/21 April is for the Clergy Training Fund, which pays for the formation of future priests and deacons for our Archdiocese.

Diocesan Thanksgiving Mass for Marriage
Register by Sunday 21 April
There’s still time to sign up for this year’s Thanksgiving Mass at St Chad’s Cathedral on Saturday 4 May.
Please register if you are celebrating a significant wedding anniversary in 2024 or are engaged to be married this year.
Or would you simply like to give thanks to God for your marriage, and ask for His ongoing blessings?
Please register your attendance by Sunday 21 April.
The Mass will be celebrated by Archbishop Bernard Longley.

Solemn Mass in Latin and Benediction
St Chad’s Cathedral
Plus illustrated talk. St Chad’s Cathedral, Saturday 27 April.
An invitation from the Association for Latin Liturgy. Join in Sung Mass celebrated in Latin with simple Gregorian chants.

Authority and the Church
Invitation to one-day symposium at St Mary’s College, Oscott
Authority and the Church, Saturday 27 April, 8.30am to 6pm.
A Theology Symposium exploring of the role of ecclesial authority in a Synodal Church and a postmodern culture.
Featuring guest speakers:
Rev Timothy Radcliffe OP, Rev Vincent Twomey, Prof Jacob Phillips, Dr Mary McCaughey, John Stayne.
Booking now open.

International Day of Prayer for Eastern Christians
Sunday 5 May
The International Day of Prayer for Eastern Christians offers an opportunity for Eastern and Western Christians to come together to pray for peace in the world – especially in the Middle East.
Please join us on this occasion in praying for an end to war and the reestablishment of unity and peace, and to give thanks for the steadfast witness of Eastern Christians in holding fast to their faith, traditions and biblical homelands, even though many suffer the effects of war and discrimination, especially those in Ukraine and the Palestinian territories who are dispossessed and displaced.

Diocesan Pilgrimage to Walsingham
Saturday 11 May
Join the Diocesan Day Pilgrimage to Walsingham 2024.
Theme – Mary, Model of Prayer and Intercessor
With Principal Celebrant and preacher, Canon Paul McNally, Episcopal Vicar for the Pastoral Area of North Staffordshire, Stafford, Lichfield and Walsall and Dudley and Wolverhampton.

Annual Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Maryvale House, Kingstanding, Sacred Heart Chapel and Shrine is a place where people can come and truly experience the joy, peace and wonder of the First Friday Masses which start at 7pm each First Friday.
But it is also the place where the Sacred Heart Novena Masses are also celebrated. This year the Novena starts on Thursday 30 May and finishes on Friday 7 June on the solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus the masses start at
Just a reminder there is no longer the traditional Sunday mass as there was in the past.

African Mass to celebrate Pentecost
Newman Cluster, Kingstanding, Birmingham
The Newman Cluster will be hosting an African Mass on Sunday 19 May to celebrate Pentecost. All are welcome.
The cluster is made up of the churches Christ the King, Kingstanding, Our Lady of the Assumption, Maryvale and St Margaret Mary, Perry Common. The Mass is held at St John’s Centre in Kingstanding Birmingham at 4pm.
The Mass will be concelebrated by Fathers The-Quang Ngyuen, Simon Ellis and Leonard Cox, and Monsignor Daniel McHugh, the Ethnic Chaplaincy co-ordinator for the Archdiocese.
The liturgy and music will be drawn from the African communities represented in the Newman Cluster, and African dress is also encouraged.

An Update from the Property Team
Role changes and new staff
We are extremely pleased to announce that Tom Stockwell (former Listed Buildings Support Officer) has taken on a new role within the property team as Health, Safety and Environmental Compliance Manager.
With the recent creation of one property team for both parish and the education estate, Tom’s remit will look to support the head of property, parishes and schools for health, safety and sustainability across the whole of the Archdiocese of Birmingham’s estate.
Heidi Davies and Joan Diamond, the property team surveyors continue to deal with property matters such as lettings, sales and acquisitions, property leases, rent reviews and renewals, boundary disputes, maintenance obligations, rating Council Tax.
Kevin Baugh supports parishes and diocesan projects to access funding through grants, trusts and other income generation.
To replace Tarnia McAlester who left in January, the latest member to join the team is John Harmon, a project manager with extensive property management experience who will be taking the lead in commissioning RAAC surveys for parish properties.
The team is supported by Alice Leonard, our property administrator.
We look forward to continuing our support for parishes and schools in dealing with property related matters, health and safety and statutory compliance and sustainable initiatives to help us achieve our Care for Creation goals.
Toni Guest
Head of Property.

Jobs and Volunteering
Opportunities with the Archdiocese and other organisations.
Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) Volunteers
The charity needs help with:
- Sharing mailings with your parish
- Including ACN regularly in parish prayers
- Fundraising to support projects
- Supporting ACN school projects
- Leading a parish Red Wednesday event
Marriage Care Trustees
The board of Catholic Marriage Care are seeking new members to join them in enabling the vital relationship support services they provide to the Catholic Community and beyond.
Marriage Care are the largest faith-based relationship support charity in the UK – providing marriage preparation, support, and low-cost relationship counselling to those in need and making the world of difference to couples and families.
Trustees of CaTEW (The Catholic Trust for England and Wales)
Opportunities for new Trustees of CaTEW. Application deadline is Monday 29 April.
Archdiocese of Southwark: Evangelisation and Outreach Advisor.
This is mostly a remote working role, with some onsite attendance in the Diocese’s London office (SE1) and some travel will be required. Salary Range £38k to £42k dependant on experience.
Events and retreats beyond the Archdiocese

Work Experience with the SVP and CAFOD
Apply now
The St Vincent de Paul Society and CAFOD are working together to offer residential work experience for 20 young adults in England and Wales.
The experience will run from Sunday 7 – Saturday 13 July in London.
Candidates must be aged between 20-30 years old and have a passion for social justice.

Care of Creation Retreats
Boarbank Hall, Cumbria
Saturday 25 May – Saturday 1 June.
Join us for a week that is a mix of holiday, retreat and a course, where we will explore the teachings of Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’ On Care of Our Common Home, and discover how to live our role as stewards of creation fully in our personal lives and within the Church.
Throughout the week, immerse yourself in talks, gardening, creative activities, discussions and walks all set to the rhythm of prayer in the Augustinian community at Boarbank Hall and beautiful surroundings of the Lake District.
Led by: Sr Margaret Atkins of Boarbank Hall and John Paul de Quay of the Ecological Conversion Group.
Dates for your diary: the month ahead
Sun 14 Apr – Fri 19 Apr: Pilgrimage to Knock and Co. Mayo
Wed 17 Apr: Divine Renovation webinar: Sent or Stuck
Wed 17 Apr: Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking awareness session 1
Thu 18 Apr: Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking awareness session 2
Sun 21 Apr: World Day of Prayer for Vocations
Sat 27 Apr: One-day Symposium at St Mary’s College, Oscott
Sat 27 Apr: Solemn Mass in Latin and Benediction, St Chad’s Cathedral
Sat 27 Apr: Catholic Leamington restart True Devotion group
Thu 2 May: Organ Recital at St Chad’s Cathedral
Sat 4 May: Thanksgiving Mass for Marriage
Sun 5 May: International Day of Prayer for Eastern Christians
Thu 9 May: Introduction to Sight Loss Friendly Church
Sat 11 May: Diocesan Pilgrimage to Walsingham
Sun 12 May: World Communications Day

We hope you are finding this e-newsletter useful. Please share with anyone you think will benefit, and encourage them to subscribe via the website. If you have any news, events or information you’d like to share this way please email it to [email protected] marked ‘For Newsletter’. It’s great to see information coming into us which we can share with others, please keep it coming! |