To have eyes only for Jesus will allow you and I to discover the glory we are made for |
The Feast of the Transfiguration of Christ, Sunday 6 August The scene of the Transfiguration begins beautifully. Peter does not want this moment to end as he sees Jesus glowing glory and speaking with Moses and Elijah. Very quickly, the moment turns to fear as the bright cloud casts its shadow and the voice of the Father speaks. The glory becomes too much and unbearable for the frightened disciples. God permits the disciples to experience fear in His presence. We prefer to focus on the glory and sidestep the fear they experience. God permits us too to experience fear in His presence. Perhaps not through natural phenomena or His voice from heaven. We experience the fear of what is God asking of me in my life. The fear of changing. The fear of giving my life entirely to God’s will. We can experience what the disciples felt, the weight of a glory that is too heavy to bear. Jesus says, ‘Rise, and have no fear.’ He is not letting us see the Father’s softer side. We read, ‘they saw no one but only Jesus.’ To have eyes only for Jesus will allow you and I to discover the glory we are made for, the glory we are to share in, the glory that will last forever. |
August Focus: Daily Living The God Who Speaks (GWS) Scripture Campaign’s August focus is on Daily Living with a range of articles, videos and activities for summertime. Including the Four Senses of Scripture, exploring mystery and logic in the Bible, Sunday Reflections as we celebrate the Feast of the Transfiguration and Praying the Psalms. God Who Speaks: August |
Last Minute Summer Camp Places have become available! Kenelm Youth Trust (KYT)’s Summer Camp is taking place from Sunday 13 – Thursday 17 August and is for young people aged 12-18 years old. Camp takes place at Alton Castle and is a week packed with adrenaline filled activities, a full day at Alton Towers, inspirational talks and moving times of prayer and we would love to welcome some of your young people!
The theme for camp this year is REAL PRESENCE. During the week we will encounter the Real Presence of Jesus alive in the Eucharist and learn to recognise His presence in others. We are going to dive deep into the historical facts around the person of Jesus Christ, explore His birth, life, death and resurrection as well as hear from the lives of the saints and our awesome team of young adults about how knowing Jesus has changed their lives for the better. Our hope is that all the experiences of camp will lead our young people to come to know Jesus more and strengthen their relationship with Him. All the information about Summer Camp can be found on the KYT website and to book places please do email [email protected] KYT Summer Camp |
Tickets now available for Fit for Function Take advantage of the earlybird discount for October’s Fit for Function event in Worcester. Wednesday 4 October, 9.15 – 16.15. Do you want to find out more about recruiting and retaining volunteers, setting up a Friends Group or making the most of tourism opportunities in your church building? Church buildings have been used for activities beyond worship for hundreds of years and are perfectly placed to provide essential local services, enable wider social connections and for showcasing local and national heritage. However, as custodians of these wonderful buildings, it is not always easy to work out what is possible, where to start, and what help is available to achieve this. Tickets for the event are priced at £12.50 (August early bird) then £15. Fit for Function |
World Youth Day in Lisbon is here The adventure of a lifetime for some of our young people has started as they take part in World Youth Day in Lisbon (1-6 August). The global event takes place every few years and was initiated by Saint John Paul II in 1986. Right from the beginning of his pontificate, Saint John Paul said to young people, ‘You are my hope’. A group of 82 pilgrims led by His Grace, Archbishop Bernard Longley, are representing the Archdiocese of Birmingham in Lisbon. You can follow the pilgrimage via the Kenelm Youth Trust’s social media channels and via Shalom TV: The live broadcast of World Youth Day 2023 is brought to you by the Catholic channel Shalom World TV, the Media Partner for World Youth Day. Join to bring the electrifying atmosphere of the world’s largest youth gathering straight to your screens. World Youth Day |
This month: Diocesan Novena for the Canonisation of Blessed Dominic Barberi Friday 18 August 2023 marks the beginning of the Diocesan Novena to pray for the Canonisation of Blessed Dominic Barberi. The Novena of Prayer lasts for nine days and concludes on his feast day on Saturday 26 August. The annual Novena of Prayer for the Cause of Blessed Dominic Barberi is a moment to pause and to appreciate the work of this holy Passionist in our Archdiocese and to pray for his Canonisation. Join in Prayer |
CELEBRATE SUMMER family activity pack Download the brand new, free CELEBRATE online family activity pack for summer. Packed full of activities to do, pray, read and watch, this online resource will give you ideas on how to connect with God, your family and others. Why not try the CELEBRATE Summer Psalm walk in this pack at your local park or on holiday? CELEBRATE SUMMER pack |
“Let Justice and Peace Flow” Season of Creation: 1 September- 4 October “Let Justice and Peace Flow” is the theme chosen for Season of Creation 2023, the ecumenical celebration we hold each year from September 1, World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, to October 4th, the feast of St. Francis of Assisi. In preparation for this season of celebration and reflection you can find useful resources including a Vigil for Creation and payers of intercession for your home, your prayer groups or your parish. Preparing for the Season of Creation |
March for Life March for life UK happens in London on Saturday 2 September. Many are concerned about restrictions on freedom but it’s often not until these restrictions affect us personally that we speak up. Abortion destroys the most fundamental freedom, the freedom to live, and leaves so many women and men deeply hurting. Join thousands of others at this family-friendly event to speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves. March for Life 2023 |
Office for Mission Zoom Meeting Join the Archdiocese’s Office for Mission’s regular Zoom meeting for ideas and support on evangelisation, discipleship and marriage and family life. The next meeting is Thursday 14 September. Contact [email protected] to register your interest. |
Booking now open for Oscott tours Taking place on Wednesdays throughout the academic year. Bookings now open from September 2023 onwards. St Mary’s College, Oscott, in Sutton Coldfield, is a residential training college for young men who have entered into the vocation of training to be part of the Catholic Priesthood. It has been at its present location since 1838 and was decorated by the eminent Victorian architect, Augustus Welby Pugin. As a residential facility, the college is private property and not normally open to the public. Tickets are £10 which includes refreshments. Visit St Mary’s College, Oscott |
Six vision sessions for your parish Our Diocesan Vision is the Archbishop’s dream for every parish in the Archdiocese of Birmingham, and he invites us to be a part of it. The plans that we make as deaneries and parishes should be united to that vision, so that they will help us to make that future a reality. On the Diocesan Office for Mission website you will find six sessions to help parishes respond to the Archbishop’s Invitation to unfold God’s plan. Parish Vision Sessions to download |
Job and Volunteering Opportunities BVSC – Criminal Justice Recovery Service Transition and Diversion Worker Birmingham Voluntary Service Council. Closing date: Monday 7 August. Jobs and Volunteering |
Dates for your diary: the month ahead Tue 1 – Sun 6 August: World Youth Day – Lisbon Thu 10 August: Free organ recital with Andrew Wyatt – St Chad’s Cathedral Sun 13 – Thurs 17 August: KYT host Summer Camp Mon 14 – Fri 18 August: Catholic Charismatic Conference Thu 17 August: Free organ recital with John Pryer – St Chad’s Cathedral Thu 24 August: Free Organ Recital with David Saint – St Chad’s Cathedral Thu 31 August: Free Organ Recital with Anthony Pinel Fri 1 September- Wed 4 October: Season of Creation Thu 2 September: March for Life |
More Events |
Supporting your parish You have asked us how you can continue giving to your parish. Parishes still greatly need your support. We do though recognise that many parishioners may be struggling financially, and there is no expectation to give where you are unable to do so. You can donate via standing order or single donation. Support your Parish |
Please follow us online If you are on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram please follow the Archdiocese of Birmingham online. Our accounts are being used more than ever before to share news, events and information. Twitter/ Facebook/ Instagram/ Web/YouTube |