Every time we receive you in the Eucharist, You come to give new meaning to our weaknesses |
For a Eucharistic Life As we reach the end of the month, we reflect on Pope Francis’ Prayer Intention for July: Let us pray that Catholics may place at the centre of their lives the Eucharistic Celebration which transforms human relationships profoundly and opens up an encounter with God and their brothers and sisters. Jesus, Bread of Life Every time we receive you in the Eucharist, You come to give new meaning to our weaknesses, and You remind us how valuable we are in your eyes. Through frequent participation of this sacrament, we unite more and more to you, and we assimilate to your way of living, your ability to break yourself when giving yourself to your brothers, and your ability to respond to evil with good. Give us the courage to look past ourselves and to bow down with love towards the weakness of others. Amen From Click to Pray, the Pope’s worldwide prayer network. Click to Pray |
Counting down to World Youth Day in Lisbon The adventure of a lifetime for some of our young people is about to begin as they take part in World Youth Day in Lisbon 1-6 August. The global event takes place every few years and was initiated by Saint John Paul II in 1986. Right from the beginning of his pontificate, Saint John Paul said to young people, ‘You are my hope’. A group of 82 pilgrims led by His Grace, Archbishop Bernard Longley, will be representing the Archdiocese of Birmingham in Lisbon. You can follow the pilgrimage via the Kenelm Youth Trust’s social media channels and via Shalom TV: The live broadcast of World Youth Day 2023 is brought to you by the Catholic channel Shalom World TV, the Media Partner for World Youth Day. Join to bring the electrifying atmosphere of the world’s largest youth gathering straight to your screens. World Youth Day |
CELEBRATE SUMMER family activity pack Download the brand new, free CELEBRATE online family activity pack for summer. Packed full of activities to do, pray, read and watch, this online resource will give you ideas on how to connect with God, your family and others. Why not try the CELEBRATE Summer Psalm walk in this pack at your local park or on holiday? CELEBRATE SUMMER pack |
“Let Justice and Peace Flow” Season of Creation: 1 September- 4 October “Let Justice and Peace Flow” is the theme chosen for Season of Creation 2023, the ecumenical celebration we hold each year from September 1, World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, to October 4th, the feast of St. Francis of Assisi. In preparation for this season of celebration and reflection you can find useful resources incuding a Vigil for Creation and payers of intercession for you parish or your prayer groups. Preparing for the Season of Creation |
Six vision sessions for your parish Our Diocesan Vision is the Archbishop’s dream for every parish in the Archdiocese of Birmingham, and he invites us to be a part of it. The plans that we make as deaneries and parishes should be united to that vision, so that they will help us to make that future a reality. On the Diocesan Office for Mission website you will find six sessions to help parishes respond to the Archbishop’s Invitation to unfold God’s plan. Parish Vision Sessions to download |
March for Life March for life UK happens in London on Saturday 2 September. Many are concerned about restrictions on freedom but it’s often not until these restrictions affect us personally that we speak up. Abortion destroys the most fundamental freedom, the freedom to live, and leaves so mant women and men deeply hurting. Join thousands of others at this family-friendly event to speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves. March for Life 2023 |
Your Invitation to the Centenary Celebration for English Martyrs Sparkhill English Martyrs Church, Sparkhill, Birmingham, celebrates its Centenary this September. There will be a celebration Mass at 6pm on Friday 8 September, the birthday of Our Lady. Once, one of the biggest Catholic parishes in the country, and a beautiful church, there are many people with links to English Martyrs Church. Please spread the word. All welcome. Main celebrant: former parish priest of English Martyrs, Archbishop Kevin McDonald, Archbishop Emeritus of Southwark. If you wish to attend, please let the parish know for catering purposes: email englishmartyrs.bham@rcaob.org.uk or phone the presbytery and leave a message on 0121 753 4457 |
“Monastery Days” organised across the UK! YouCAN, a religious group for practicing young Catholic adults, have been working closely with a number of monasteries in the UK to organise “Monastery Days”. This is a unique opportunity for young Catholics aged 18 to 45 to spend the day at several monasteries across England and Scotland, to pray together, bible study with a monk or nun, attend Mass and enjoy time together socially. The first “Monastery Days” will be at Belmont Abbey near Hereford on 9 September 2023. Further days will take place at: Brownshill Monastery, GL6 8AL – 23 Sept Douai Abbey, RG7 STQ – 30 Sept Hyning Monastery, LA5 9SE – 21 Oct Pluscarden Abbey, IV30 8UA – 28 Oct Community of St Gregory the Great, Buckfast Abbey, TQ11 0EE – TBC To join YouCAN, attend “Monastery Days” and other YouCAN events and pilgrimages, contact rina@youngcatholicadultnetwork.uk. |
Office for Mission Zoom Meeting Join one of the Archdiocese’s Office for Mission’s regular Zoom meeting for ideas and support on evangelisation, discipleship and marriage and family life. The next meeting is Thursday 14 September. Contact office.mission@rcaob.org.uk to register your interest. |
Booking now open for Oscott tours Taking place on Wednesdays throughout the academic year. Bookings now open from September 2023 onwards. St Mary’s College, Oscott, in Sutton Coldfield, is a residential training college for young men who have entered into the vocation of training to be part of the Catholic Priesthood. It has been at its present location since 1838 and was decorated by the eminent Victorian architect, Augustus Welby Pugin. As a residential facility, the college is private property and not normally open to the public. Tickets are £10 which includes refreshments. Visit St Mary’s College, Oscott |
Harvington’s Pilgrimage celebrates 100 years since Hall’s rescue from oblivion Sunday 3 September from 1.45pm. We give thanks for the lives of all of the martyr saints, those recognised on earth as saints of the Church and those known only to God. Every September hundreds of pilgrims gather in the beautiful grounds of Harvington Hall, Worcestershire, for the annual pilgrimage to the Shrine of the English Martyrs. This year is extra special as it marks the centenary of Harvington’s rescue from ruin by Ellen Ferris, who gifted the Hall to the Archdiocese of Birmingham. The moated property, which was gifted to the Archdiocese in 1923, has the greatest number of priest hides of any house in the country. Master builder St Nicholas Owen, believed to have been the creator of four of them, is remembered during the Archdiocese’s annual pilgrimage to commemorate the English Martyrs at Harvington Hall. To mark this milestone in our history we are pleased to announce that His Grace, Archbishop Bernard Longley will be the principal celebrant of this year’s Pilgrimage Mass. We hope you can join us to support this act of devotion to the Martyrs of the Midlands. Harvington Pilgrimage |
Volunteer with Friends of the Holy Land Pilgrimage Liaison Volunteer Role Can you offer us a few hours each week? Do you want to help support Christians in the Holy Land? Do you enjoy Googling? Are you familiar with spreadsheets? This role may be for you! Jobs and Volunteering |
Dates for your diary: the month ahead Sat 29 July: Celebration of the Windrush 75 Generation Mon 31 July: New Dawn in the Church, Walsingham Tue 1 – Sun 6 August: World Youth Day – Lisbon Thu 3 August: Free organ recital with Paul Carr – St Chad’s Cathedral Thu 10 August: Free organ recital with Andrew Wyatt – St Chad’s Cathedral Sun 13 – Thurs 17 August: KYT host Summer Camp Mon 14 – Fri 18 August: Catholic Charismatic Conference Thu 17 August: Free organ recital with John Pryer – St Chad’s Cathedral Thu 24 August: Free Organ Recital with David Saint – St Chad’s Cathedral Fri 1 September- Wed 4 October: Season of Creation Thu 2 September: March for Life |
More Events |
Supporting your parish You have asked us how you can continue giving to your parish. Parishes still greatly need your support. We do though recognise that many parishioners may be struggling financially, and there is no expectation to give where you are unable to do so. You can donate via standing order or single donation. Support your Parish |
Please follow us online If you are on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram please follow the Archdiocese of Birmingham online. Our accounts are being used more than ever before to share news, events and information. Twitter/ Facebook/ Instagram/ Web/YouTube |