Newsletter from Archdiocese of Birmingham
Please see the attached newsletter which gives information about events, training and job opportunities within the Archdiocese
Please see the attached newsletter which gives information about events, training and job opportunities within the Archdiocese
View in browser Website Events News World Communications Day Reflection on World Communications Day At this time in history, which risks becoming rich in technology and poor in humanity, our reflections must begin with the human heart. These words are drawn from Pope Francis’ annual message for World Communications Day – which is this Sunday,…
17th February marks Racial Justice Sunday, focusing on the experiences of ethnic communities in England and Wales. It is a day on which we all called to pray for an end to racism and racial inequality in our country. The theme this year is Dignity of Work. It will look at how people must not be exploited…
Located in central Birmingham, our partnership project Fatima House offers a sanctuary to vulnerable women who would otherwise be destitute and homeless. Mauricio Silva, one of the Columban Lay Missionaries who manages Fatima House on a day-to-day basis, writes: 2020 will be remembered as a very strange year. Everyone’s life has been affected and, with…
COVID Cash Recovery is a free course for churches, charities and community workers that are supporting people who have been financially affected by Covid-19. The two-hour online course is led by Transforming Communities Together and Just Finance Foundation. It will cover rights and entitlements, budgeting, help with bills and much more. Book your FREE place at…
Tabor House, an accommodation project for people experiencing homelessness, is re-opening today after adapting its offering to suit new Government guidelines. With the help of a grant from The Edward Cadbury Charitable Trust, the team behind Tabor House is prepared to support what they are calling “a new dawn for homelessness in Birmingham”. The Digbeth-based…
A new course hopes to inspire Christians to share their faith with others and encourage more people to talk about Christ. ‘Talking Jesus: The Course’ will support people to have conversations about their faith stories. Talking Jesus: The Course consists of six video-based teaching sessions. Each session features inspirational testimonies of people sharing their faith, complete…