Archdiocese of Birmingham newsletter 23rd May 2024

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Holy Trinity: The cross is visible in more places than we realise

­Reflection: Holy Trinity, Sunday 26 May

­I wonder who taught you to make the sign of the cross. Have you taught others to make that powerful sign? Anyone who has been involved in schools will know the importance of mirroring so that children learn to make the sign the right way round. 

The lesson goes deeper than bodily co-ordination. Tracing on our bodies the reality of the cross and the promise of resurrection we learn how God touches our humanity; that we are personally embedded in God’s eternal love, which we are called to incarnate. 

The cross is visible in more places than we realise. Nearly every village has a cross at its heart with a memorial dedicated to the war fallen. Athletes and footballers often make the sign of the cross as they begin games, and the poet priest John Donne noticed how we make the shape of the cross every time we stretch our arms when swimming. 

Emperor Constantine witnessed a cross in the sky with the words: “in this sign, conquer”. While we might remove the cross from the theatre of war, we see the sign of the cross in the name of the Trinity as a triumph that says ‘I hope’ and ‘I believe’. It’s an Amen writ large and whatever battles we face, let us rest in the knowledge of Christ’s victory over sin and death.  

Fr Ryan Service, Assistant Priest at Holy Trinity, Sutton Coldfield

Could you be a seed of hope?

Laudato Si’ Week is now underway­

The Archdiocese of Birmingham is inviting enthusiastic individuals to create a network of Environment Champions.  

To celebrate this Laudato Si’ week, please help us get as many parish/cluster/deanery Environment Champions as we can.

Your mission is to be a channel of communication between the Archdiocese and your parish, cluster or deanery, to promote Care of Creation and to enthuse others to help in responding to Pope Francis’ call in Laudato Si’ to a spirituality which supports an ecological conversion. 

You will receive the full support of the Care for Creation Committee as part of the diocesan effort to act as stewards of creation.­

All welcome to join the Lourdes Pilgrimage in spirit­

The Diocesan Pilgrimage starts next Monday, 27 May

­In just a few days time hundreds of pilgrims from across the Archdiocese will be making their way to Lourdes for the annual pilgrimage. 

You are invited to join spiritually, and will be able to follow daily updates with liturgy, photos and videos on the diocesan website. 

Please keep all of our pilgrims in prayer, as they will be praying for you. 

Let us begin the procession to Our Lady.­

Are you looking to study Catholic theology?­

Find out more about what’s on offer at Maryvale Institute­

Recruitment for Bachelor of Divinity (BDiv) and Licence Programmes is now open for 2024/25, for those looking to study with the Maryvale Higher Institute of Religious Sciences (HIRS), the only ecclesial institute of this kind in the English-speaking world. 

Maryvale HIRS operates both the BDiv and Licence Programmes, theology qualifications recognised by the Holy See. 

Now recruiting for: 

Ecclesiastical Bachelor of Divinity Programme 

Ecclesiastical Bachelor of Divinity Programme: Oscott Diaconal Pathway 

Ecclesiastical Licence in Divinity: Pathway in Catechetical Sciences Programme.­

Men’s Rosary in the City: Location change

This Saturday, 25 May, St Chad’s Cathedral­

­Join Archbishop Bernard in Mary’s month of May to pray the Rosary in the city. Now meeting outside St Chad’s Cathedral. 

Our intentions:

  • To pray for our City
  • To pray for our Nation
  • To pray for men to embrace their God given vocation as protector and defender

Starts next week: Annual Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

­Join in prayer from Thursday 30 May to Friday 7 June­

All are welcome to join the Annual Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. 

Sacred Heart Novena Masses will be celebrated at Maryvale House, Kingstanding. This year the Novena starts on Thursday 30 May and finishes on Friday 7 June on the solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. The Masses start at 7pm. 

Maryvale House, Sacred Heart Chapel and Shrine is a place where people can come and truly experience the joy, peace and wonder of the First Friday Masses which start at 7pm each First Friday.­

Corpus Christi Processions, Sunday 2 June

A number of processions are due to take place across the Archdiocese celebrating the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ


Mass at 1pm at St Michael’s Catholic ChurchMoor Street, Birmingham, celebrated by Archbishop Bernard Longley. Then the Corpus Christi Procession moves from St Michael’s, Moor Street, to St Chad’s Cathedral.

The Oxford Oratory: Annual Corpus Christi procession through the streets of Oxford. The procession will leave the church at 2.30pm, going first to Blackfriars for a sermon and ending with Benediction at the University Chaplaincy.

Please let us know of any other Corpus Christi Processions that are taking place and we will advertise them in this newsletter and on the diocesan website.

CAFOD hosts ‘Ripples of Hope’ event, Leamington Spa­

Saturday 8 June at St Peter Apostle­

A day of inspiration and spiritual nourishment with guest speaker David Wells, a well-known and much-loved Catholic speaker, teacher and author. 

Plus the latest news from CAFOD Director Christine Allen. 

CAFOD volunteers and supporters are all welcome to join this day of reflection and prayer.­

Come and See! Vocations Weekend

Friday 21 – Sunday 23 June, Selly Park, Birmingham

Do you feel a call to be a Priest or a Religious? 

The Sacred Heart Fathers and Brothers (Betharram) invite you to a ‘Come and See Weekend’ to Explore the Gift of Vocation to the Religious Life and Priesthood. 

From the evening of Friday 21 June to Sunday 23 June. ­

Restore Training Course, June­

The Rep Theatre, Birmingham

Restore, a project of Birmingham Churches Together, works with refugees and asylum seekers in Birmingham, Solihull and Smethwick. Their vision is for a society into which all refugees and asylum seekers are welcomed, valued and integrated. 

Their befriending scheme involves the training and matching of trained volunteers with recently arrived refugees and asylum seekers to provide flexible, one-to-one relational support.  

For those interested in befriending, you are asked to attend all three of the in-person training sessions. The dates, times and topics covered are: 

Week 1: Tuesday 11 June 2024, 7:15pm – 9:15pm 
An overview of global refugee issues and the situation in the UK, introduction to Restore and befriending, including input from a volunteer befriender. 

Week 2: Tuesday 18 June 2024, 7:15pm – 9:15pm 
An overview of the asylum application process and refugee resettlement schemes, including a refugee sharing their experience of the asylum process. 

Week 3: Tuesday 25 June 2024, 7:15pm – 9:15pm 
Practicalities of befriending: guidelines, boundaries, safeguarding, support, contact with and feedback to Restore and how to apply. 

You are welcome to attend if you are interested in becoming a befriender or if you interested in learning more about people seeking asylum and refugees.

Poetry Night Invitation­

Holy Trinity, Sutton Coldfield, Saturday 15 June­

The Church has always had a great tradition of promoting the arts, from painting and pottery to poetry and everything in between. 

Holy Trinity parish, Sutton Coldfield, is hosting a poetry night for all poetry lovers on Saturday 15 June. 

Please bring along a favourite poem (classic or contemporary) to share with others, or come and listen to others reading their chosen words. 

All are welcome.

Online Forum ‘From Information to Transformation’

Thursday 20 June, hosted by Maryvale Institute

­­St John Henry Newman Research Centre for Catholic Theology Presents: 

From Information to Transformation: How the Bishops of the United States are Implementing the Directory for Catechesis by Fr Daniel Mahan (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops). 

Online Academic Forum, Thursday 20 June, 6pm. All welcome. 

Join us online for the St John Henry Newman Research Centre for Catholic Theology’s Online Academic Forum, the latest in a series of occasional, public seminars by Maryvale academics.

Reminder for Parishes

­Following a recent email regarding Statutory Compliance from the Diocesan Property Team

Parish buildings need to meet different statutory requirements as laid out in UK legislation. The key purpose of this is to ensure the safety of those that use parish buildings and land. 

To this end the Archdiocese is conducting an organisation-wide review regarding building statutory compliance. Parishes will have received an email and attached documents explaining what you will need to do and providing the tools necessary for you to complete the statutory compliance return. 

This is a mandatory return that will need to be with the Diocesan Property Team by end of business on Wednesday 31 July.   

For more information, queries and support please contact Tom Stockwell, Health, Safety and Environmental Compliance Manager for the Archdiocese.

Jobs and Volunteering­

Opportunities with the Archdiocese and other organisations­

WorkCare West Midlands: Interim Lead Officer WWM is a newly merged charity formed from Workcare Coventry & Warwickshire and Churches and Industry Group Birmingham & Solihull (CIGB). 

We are an ecumenical workplace chaplaincy charity committed to providing leadership for churches’ engagement within the economic life of Warwickshire and the West Midlands. 

The Interim Lead Officer will play a pivotal role in leading and developing the work of WWM, enhancing its capacity, sustainability, and reputation.  Closing date: Tomorrow, Friday 24 May 

Caritas Development Lead – Father Hudsons Care Father Hudson’s Care (FHC) is the social care agency of the Catholic Archdiocese of Birmingham. 

Our community projects reach out to individuals who are marginalized and in need, including asylum seekers, refugees and migrants, older people and individuals experiencing homelessness. 

The Caritas Development Lead will be responsible for encouraging social action across the Catholic Archdiocese of Birmingham.   

Working with parishes, schools, local charities and other partners, this lead role will provide capacity building to promote the development of volunteer-led initiatives across the Diocese.
Closing Date: Wednesday 5 June 

Volunteers needed at St Mary’s College, Oscott The seminary of the Archdiocese of Birmingham. 

Oscott College is looking to expand its volunteer team as a result of changes to the onsite museum and its promotion. We are looking for individuals to fill the following roles: Tour guides (from September 2024)
Museum and Chapel stewards
Event assistants. 

Team Leader of the Black Country Urban Industrial Mission The Black Country Urban Industrial Mission is looking to appoint a Team Leader who will work with the Executive Board to drive forward the ministry of BCUIM and to support and develop an ecumenical team of Workplace Chaplains. 

This is 0.5 Full Time Equivalent role equating to 21 hours. This role allows for hybrid working, locations to include the BCUIM office (currently Wolverhampton), and activities in the industrial environment in the area known as “The Black Country”.  Closing date: Wednesday 29 May, 5pm 

Do you have a passion for cooking and a heart for helping others? The Knights of Malta, in partnership with St. Catherine of Siena Church on Bristol Street, Birmingham are looking to host regular (starting monthly) food cafés/banquets at the St Catherine of Siena church.  

They have a fully equipped industrial kitchen and a small team of dedicated volunteers, they really want to make a real difference in the lives of the homeless in Birmingham. 

They are currently looking for a talented chef/cook to join them in creating delicious dishes and spreading warmth and comfort through food.  

Cooking up some kindness together! 

CAFOD School Volunteers Looking for a new challenge? Could you visit schools in your local area to deliver assemblies and workshops about our work and encourage young people to take action, fundraise and pray with CAFOD? 

Use your skills for the common good and be an active part of creating a world without poverty. 

Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) Volunteers The charity needs help with:

  • Sharing mailings with your parish
  • Including ACN regularly in parish prayers
  • Fundraising to support projects
  • Supporting ACN school projects
  • Leading a parish Red Wednesday event

Marriage Care Trustees The board of Catholic Marriage Care are seeking new members to join them in enabling the vital relationship support services they provide to the Catholic Community and beyond. 

Marriage Care are the largest faith-based relationship support charity in the UK – providing marriage preparation, support, and low-cost relationship counselling to those in need and making the world of difference to couples and families.  ­

Events and retreats beyond the Archdiocese

Restoring Pugin Study Day­

Nottingham Cathedral­

Saturday 1 June – a heritage day connected with Pugin at Nottingham Cathedral. Are you involved in conserving Pugin’s work or generally interested in the life and legacy of AWN Pugin?Then please join a heritage day at Nottingham Cathedral on Saturday 1 June.

Thanks to a National Lottery Heritage Grant, Nottingham Cathedral is working hard to restore Pugin’s original decorative paint schemes to the east end of the Cathedral. 

The day will be an opportunity to learn about how digital technology is supporting this work, to hear from the paint conservation team about their work and exciting discoveries, to see the work so far in the Cathedral and later in the afternoon to hear acclaimed AWN Pugin author, Rosemary Hill, give an insight talk on the life and legacy of Pugin who she calls ‘a tortured genius’.

Tickets are £25 for the entire day.­

Workshop at Douai Abbey­

On the Edges of Faith..?­

Saturday 1 June – A Day of Exploration for Seekers. 

This Day will explore living on the edge of faith in a time of appalling instability all about and within.  

Are you yearning for a greater vision of God’s all-embracing presence, and of his love for you as you are?  

All day event at Douai Abbey, Reading.  

­On the Edges of Faith..?

Staging Mass in Early Modern Drama

­Wednesday 12 June – London

Dr Gašper Jakovac (University College London) is leading a workshop in the intimate surrounds of the Sam Wanamaker Playhouse, at the Globe Theatre, London, exploring how early modern playwrights navigated Reformation England’s relationship with Catholicism. 

Alongside examples from commercial playhouses, the workshop will consider a unique Catholic drama from early seventeenth-century Shropshire: The History of Purgatory. This forgotten text provides us with privileged access to the hopes, anxieties and steadfast belief of the Catholic community living under penal laws. 

Fr Ryan Service, assistant priest at Holy Trinity, Sutton Coldfield, will be taking to the boards at the event to play the role of priest in the texts that are being explored. 

Seated tickets are £12.­


A Programme for Couples Struggling in their Marriages­

Welwyn Garden City Friday 14 – Sunday 16 June Help Your Marriage – Do you feel alone? Are you frustrated or angry with each other? Do you argue… or have you just stopped talking to each other? Does talking about it only make it worse? 

Retrouvaille is a programme to support couples who have difficulties in their marriage. It brings a positive focus, new hope and helps nourish and grow your marriage. 

Retrouvaille is a Catholic programme but is open to married couples of any faith, or none. It is offered as a gift from the Catholic Church to any married couple who wishes to heal the difficulties they are experiencing in their marriage. 

The programme helps spouses uncover or re-awaken the love, trust and commitment that originally brought them together. It helps them through difficult times whether they are disillusioned or in deep misery. There is no group therapy or group work.­Retrouvaille Marriage Help

Dates for your diary: the month ahead 

Thu 23 May: Talk: It is Beautiful to be Old 

Sat 25 May: Men’s Rosary in the City 

Sat 25 – Sun 26 May: World Children’s Day 

Sat 25 May – Sat 1 June: Care of Creation Retreat, Cumbria 

Thu 30 May – Friday 7 June: Annual Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus 

Sat 1 June: Restoring Pugin Study Day, Nottingham Cathedral 

Sat 1 June: Workshop at Douai Abbey: On the Edges of Faith..? 

Sun 2 June: Corpus Christi Processions 

Mon 3 June: Sight Loss Friendly Church Q&A, online 

Sat 8 June: Church of Sanctuary Conference, Birmingham 

Sat 8 June: Annual John Bradburne Pilgrimage, Cross Fell 

Sat 8 June: Ripples of Hope event, Leamington Spa 

Tue 11 June: Restore Training Course Session 1 

Wed 12 – Fri 14 June: Catholic Parish Summit Hosted by Divine Renovation 

Wed 12 June: Staging Mass in Early Modern Drama 

Fri 14 – Sun 16 June: Retrouvaille Programme 

Sat 15 – Sun 16 June: God Still Calls – ‘Come and See’ weekend 

Sat 15 June: Poetry Evening, Sutton Coldfield 

Sun 16 June: Day for Life 

Mon 17 June: Tabor Living volunteer event 

Tues 18 June: Restore Training Course Session 2 

Thu 20 June: Schools Sustainability Event 

Thu 20 June: Online Academic Forum hosted by Maryvale Institute 

Fri 21 – Sun 23 June: Come and See! Vocations Weekend 

Sat 22 – Sun 23 June: KYT host ‘It’s a Knockout’ 

Sat 22 June: Explore Carmelite Spirituality and Prayer 

Please follow us online­

If you are on Facebook, Twitter/X or Instagram please follow the Archdiocese of Birmingham online.
Our accounts are being used more than ever before to share news, events and information.


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If you have any news, events or information you’d like to share this way please email it to marked ‘For Newsletter’.
It’s great to see information coming into us which we can share with others, please keep it coming!

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