Jericho Foundation – helping unemployed people in the community
The Jericho Foundation supports people who are seeking work. The following information may be useful to Caritas members and groups who support people seeking employment.
They write:
The Jericho Foundation is a Christian organisation that supports people to become “fulfilled, skilled and employed.” Jericho have been running employment training programmes for over 25 years. Our focus is to simply help people find fulfilling employment. One crucial strand of this work is though the Ignition programme
How Does Ignition Work?
Ignition helps fulfil the need for grassroots, community-based employment support. It is a flexible employment and job-search programme run in partnership with churches and community organisations that offers training, support and coaching in employment related areas, including job search, CV’s, job applications and interview preparation and practice. Ignition be run as a seven week course, an on-going job club or as one-to one support and mentoring. Totally flexible, it is designed to be adapted to fit local needs.
As well as meeting practical needs, Ignition helps build a safe and supportive environment where lasting relationships can be built with people in the local community.
We run a 2 day or 1 day intensive workshop sessions where passionate and willing volunteers are trained and equipped with the skills, knowledge and confidence to offer the help job seekers need.
How does Ignition Benefit Local Communities?
As well as meeting a practical need, Ignition is all about building lasting relationships with people in the local community.
“We have been running for 7 months, meeting weekly, on Monday evenings. We get a mix of repeat visits and new participants, averaging five or six each week. In total, we have been visited by around 50 different participants. They have come for a variety of reasons: some have wanted help with CVs and with finding opportunities, some have wanted a listening ear, and most have needed encouragement.”
How does Ignition help the Job Seeker?
As well as help with the practical aspects of job-search support, interview preparation and practice, participants also benefit from being accepted, welcomed, listened to and encouraged to keep going with their job search.
“We believe, from people’s reactions and comments, that the Job Club has a big impact on morale and self-esteem.”
Want to know more?
If you would like to explore opportunities to work with us, do get in touch. Please contact: Dave Chapman, Church Partnerships Manager at or mobile: 07850 603969
Have a look at our Social Enterprise Companies too, on our website:
Disclaimer: The Jericho Foundation are not a Caritas Archdiocese of Birmingham member. Inclusion of this article is not an endorsement or recommendation. This article is provided for information only.