Archdiocese of Birmingham newsletter 9th May 2024

World Communications Day

Reflection on World Communications Day
At this time in history, which risks becoming rich in technology and poor in humanity, our reflections must begin with the human heart.
These words are drawn from Pope Francis’ annual message for World Communications Day – which is this Sunday, 12 May.
In this year’s message, he encourages us not to see everything that Artificial Intelligence offers as doom and gloom, but that with discernment, and making good choices about how we use technology, we can influence its use to good effect. Pope Francis continues:
Only by adopting a spiritual way of viewing reality, only by recovering a wisdom of the heart, can we confront and interpret the newness of our time and rediscover the path to a fully human communication. In the Bible, the heart is seen as the place of freedom and decision-making. It symbolises integrity and unity, but it also engages our emotions, desires, dreams; it is, above all, the inward place of our encounter with God. Wisdom of the heart, then, is the virtue that enables us to integrate the whole and its parts, our decisions and their consequences, our nobility and our vulnerability, our past and our future, our individuality and our membership within a larger community.
This year’s message echoes some of the assertions in the recent Vatican Document Infinite Dignity which spoke of the social dangers of the everyday use of communications:
The more that opportunities for making connections grow in this realm, the more people find themselves isolated and impoverished in interpersonal relationships: Digital communication wants to bring everything out into the open; people’s lives are combed over, laid bare and bandied about, often anonymously. Respect for others disintegrates, and even as we dismiss, ignore, or keep others distant, we can shamelessly peer into every detail of their lives. Such tendencies represent a dark side of digital progress.
On this coming Sunday, World Communications Day, we pray for the Church’s positive contribution to proclaiming the Good News and making the Church’s voice heard in what is sometimes referred to as the Public Square. We pray for the Communications Department nationally ( and for the work of Communications in our own Archdiocese. And we can all remember that when we speak about the Church’s voice in the Public Square, we are all members of the Church, and you will meet many more people in various settings in the coming week that no priest or deacon will. Your voice in speaking the truth is important too!
Mgr Timothy Menezes, Dean of St Chad’s Cathedral

Pray in May with Mary’s Meals
Please join in prayer with the international charity which provides life-changing school meals
Mary’s Meals now provides life-changing school meals to more than 2.4 million of the world’s poorest children.
The charity’s work is built on the power of prayer, and as a result continually see’s God’s love and provision in incredible ways.
Over the past 12 months parishes, schools and individuals from across the Archdiocese have supported Mary’s Meals. Please join them in prayer during May, the month of Mary, as they continue their work.

This Saturday, 11 May: Diocesan Pilgrimage to Walsingham
Parishes will be joining the Diocesan Day Pilgrimage to Walsingham 2024. Please keep all pilgrims in your prayers.
Theme – Mary, Model of Prayer and Intercessor
With Principal Celebrant and preacher, Canon Paul McNally, Episcopal Vicar for the Pastoral Area of North Staffordshire, Stafford, Lichfield and Walsall and Dudley and Wolverhampton.

Cursillo Encounter Afternoon
Sunday 12 May, Newcastle-under-Lyme
A Cursillo Encounter event is happening at the Coolock Pastoral Centre, at the Convent of Mercy, Newcastle-under-Lyme, on Sunday 12 May from 2-5pm.
Cursillo (Spanish for ‘short course’) is the name of a movement focused on an encounter with Jesus Christ.
The heart of Cursillo is the three-day weekend, but taster events are often held, hence the name ‘encounter days’.

Further Education Sunday
Sunday 12 May
Sunday 12 May is Further Education Sunday!
It’s a great opportunity for you to pray for your local Further Education or Sixth Form College and consider how your church or church project could partner with your local college to bless and support young people and the staff who work with them.
You can find videos, prayer and Bible resources for FE Sunday on the FE Sunday website, where you can also get in touch to find out more about partnering with a local college.
Share your prayers and actions on social media using the hashtag #FESunday24.

Reminder for Parishes
Following an email sent out last week regarding Statutory Compliance from the Diocesan Property Team
Parish buildings need to meet different statutory requirements as laid out in UK legislation. The key purpose of this is to ensure the safety of those that use parish buildings and land.
To this end the Archdiocese is conducting an organisation-wide review regarding building statutory compliance. Parishes will have received an email and attached documents explaining what you will need to do and providing the tools necessary for you to complete the statutory compliance return.
This is a mandatory return that will need to be with the Diocesan Property Team by end of business on Wednesday 31 July.
For more information, queries and support please contact Tom Stockwell, Health, Safety and Environmental Compliance Manager for the Archdiocese.

Preparing for Pentecost
Sunday 19 May
Pentecost will be celebrated on Sunday 19 May, fifty days after Easter Sunday.
It commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon Our Lady and the Apostles.
Visit our website for prayers, activities and resources to aid your faith journey from today (Thursday), the Ascension of the Lord.

Talk: ‘It is Beautiful to be Old’
Thursday 23 May, St George’s in Worcester
Hosted by the Worcester Circle of Newman Association.
Peter Kevern is Professor of Values in Health and Social Care at Staffordshire University and a member of St George’s parish.
He specialises on research into Religion and Dementia, but recently completed a two-year research project with Caritas Social Action Network on Ageing and the Church. This presentation builds on insights gained from that project.

Date for the Diary! Online Forum ‘From Information to Transformation’
Thursday 20 June, hosted by Maryvale Institute
St John Henry Newman Research Centre for Catholic Theology Presents:
From Information to Transformation: How the Bishops of the United States are Implementing the Directory for Catechesis by Fr Daniel Mahan (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops).
Online Academic Forum, Thursday 20 June, 6pm. All welcome.
Join us online for the St John Henry Newman Research Centre for Catholic Theology’s Online Academic Forum, the latest in a series of occasional, public seminars by Maryvale academics.

Join the Music Ministry in Lourdes
Whether you enjoy singing or plan to bring an instrument, The Lourdes Music Ministry Team would love you to join them on pilgrimage this year (Mon 27 May to Sat 1 June).
No prior experience needed, commit only to whatever you feel you can do.
To receive a full list of sheet music contact Jobe Sullivan at
The group will meet in person at St Catherine of Siena church, Bristol Street in Birmingham, during the evening of Thursday 16 May.
They will also be at the Blessing of Hands Mass, on Sunday 19 May at St Chad’s Cathedral, rehearsing from 1pm (before Mass), if you wish to join.

Midland Catholic History Society – visit to Oulton Abbey, Staffordshire
Wednesday 22 May
Oulton Abbey, near Stone in Staffordshire, was the home until recently of a Benedictine community of sisters and 2024 is the 400th anniversary of their foundation.
The former community and school buildings are now the site of a care home, but the chapel and cloister area, the work of E.W. Pugin, are still occasionally available to visit.
Please book to join by Monday 13 May. All welcome.

Online Grandparents Faith Cafe,
Tuesday 14 May
Guest Speaker: Dr Christine Ward, lecturer at Maryvale Institute.
Join the next session of the Faith Cafe at 7.30pm on Tuesday 14 May.
The theme of Dr Ward’s talk is ‘Theology of the Body: Identity’.

Online Modern Slavery Awareness Session
Invitation from West Midlands Violence Reduction Partnership. Wednesday 22 May
This session aims to equip faith communities with the knowledge and tools to recognise signs of modern slavery, human trafficking and exploitation.
As places of trust, hope and healing, faith groups are uniquely positioned to identify and support individuals at risk, acting as a beacon of light in their darkest hours.
Stand with us as we unite faith communities in the fight against modern slavery.
Together, we can make a difference, offering a lifeline to those in need and forging a future where freedom and dignity prevail for all.

Men’s Rosary in the City
Saturday 25 May – Birmingham
Join Archbishop Bernard in Mary’s month of May to pray the Rosary in the city.
Our intentions:
- To pray for our City
- To pray for our Nation
- To pray for men to embrace their God given vocation as protector and defender

Church of Sanctuary Conference
Saturday 8 June – Birmingham
This free conference and networking event, organised by the Church of Sanctuary, Churches’ Refugee Network and City of Sanctuary, will explore how churches are responding to the call to offer sanctuary to those fleeing persecution and seeking asylum.
All day conference at Carrs Lane Church Centre.

Jobs and Volunteering
Opportunities with the Archdiocese and other organisations
WorkCare West Midlands: Interim Lead Officer WWM is a newly merged charity formed from Workcare Coventry & Warwickshire and Churches and Industry Group Birmingham & Solihull (CIGB).
We are an ecumenical workplace chaplaincy charity committed to providing leadership for churches’ engagement within the economic life of Warwickshire and the West Midlands.
The Interim Lead Officer will play a pivotal role in leading and developing the work of WWM, enhancing its capacity, sustainability, and reputation. Closing date: Friday 24 May
Team Leader of the Black Country Urban Industrial Mission The Black Country Urban Industrial Mission is looking to appoint a Team Leader who will work with the Executive Board to drive forward the ministry of BCUIM and to support and develop an ecumenical team of Workplace Chaplains.
This is 0.5 Full Time Equivalent role equating to 21 hours. This role allows for hybrid working, locations to include the BCUIM office (currently Wolverhampton), and activities in the industrial environment in the area known as “The Black Country”. Closing date Wednesday 29 May 5pm
Do you have a passion for cooking and a heart for helping others? The Knights of Malta, in partnership with St. Catherine of Siena Church on Bristol Street, Birmingham are looking to host regular (starting monthly) food cafés/banquets at the St Catherine of Siena church.
They have a fully equipped industrial kitchen and a small team of dedicated volunteers, they really want to make a real difference in the lives of the homeless in Birmingham.
They are currently looking for a talented chef/cook to join them in creating delicious dishes and spreading warmth and comfort through food. Cooking up some kindness together!
CAFOD School Volunteers Looking for a new challenge? Could you visit schools in your local area to deliver assemblies and workshops about our work and encourage young people to take action, fundraise and pray with CAFOD?
Use your skills for the common good and be an active part of creating a world without poverty.
Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) Volunteers The charity needs help with:
- Sharing mailings with your parish
- Including ACN regularly in parish prayers
- Fundraising to support projects
- Supporting ACN school projects
- Leading a parish Red Wednesday event
Marriage Care Trustees The board of Catholic Marriage Care are seeking new members to join them in enabling the vital relationship support services they provide to the Catholic Community and beyond.
Marriage Care are the largest faith-based relationship support charity in the UK – providing marriage preparation, support, and low-cost relationship counselling to those in need and making the world of difference to couples and families.
Events and retreats beyond the Archdiocese

Care of Creation Retreats
Boarbank Hall, Cumbria
Saturday 25 May – Saturday 1 June
Join us for a week that is a mix of holiday, retreat and a course, where we will explore the teachings of Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’ On Care of Our Common Home, and discover how to live our role as stewards of creation fully in our personal lives and within the Church.
Throughout the week, immerse yourself in talks, gardening, creative activities, discussions and walks all set to the rhythm of prayer in the Augustinian community at Boarbank Hall and beautiful surroundings of the Lake District.
Led by: Sr Margaret Atkins of Boarbank Hall and John Paul de Quay of the Ecological Conversion Group.

Restoring Pugin Study Day
Nottingham Cathedral
Saturday 1 June – a heritage day connected with Pugin at Nottingham Cathedral.
Are you involved in conserving Pugin’s work or generally interested in the life and legacy of AWN Pugin?Then please join a heritage day at Nottingham Cathedral on Saturday 1 June.
Thanks to a National Lottery Heritage Grant, Nottingham Cathedral is working hard to restore Pugin’s original decorative paint schemes to the east end of the Cathedral.
The day will be an opportunity to learn about how digital technology is supporting this work, to hear from the paint conservation team about their work and exciting discoveries, to see the work so far in the Cathedral and later in the afternoon to hear acclaimed AWN Pugin author, Rosemary Hill, give an insight talk on the life and legacy of Pugin who she calls ‘a tortured genius’.
Tickets are £25 for the entire day.

Workshop at Douai Abbey
On the Edges of Faith..?
Saturday 1 June – A Day of Exploration for Seekers. This Day will explore living on the edge of faith in a time of appalling instability all about and within. Are you yearning for a greater vision of God’s all-embracing presence, and of his love for you as you are? All day event at Douai Abbey, Reading.

A Programme for Couples Struggling in their Marriages
Welwyn Garden City Friday 14 – Sunday 16 June Help Your Marriage – Do you feel alone? Are you frustrated or angry with each other? Do you argue… or have you just stopped talking to each other? Does talking about it only make it worse?
Retrouvaille is a programme to support couples who have difficulties in their marriage. It brings a positive focus, new hope and helps nourish and grow your marriage.
Retrouvaille is a Catholic programme but is open to married couples of any faith, or none. It is offered as a gift from the Catholic Church to any married couple who wishes to heal the difficulties they are experiencing in their marriage.
The programme helps spouses uncover or re-awaken the love, trust and commitment that originally brought them together. It helps them through difficult times whether they are disillusioned or in deep misery. There is no group therapy or group work.
Dates for your diary: the month ahead
Sat 11 May: Diocesan Pilgrimage to Walsingham
Sun 12 May: Cursillo Encounter Afternoon
Sun 12 May: World Communications Day
Tue 14 May: Online Grandparents Faith Cafe with Dr Christine Ward
Sun 19 May: African Mass to celebrate Pentecost
Wed 22 May: Online Modern Slavery awareness session
Wed 22 May: Visit Oulton Abbey
Thu 23 May: Talk: It is Beautiful to be Old
Sat 25 May: Men’s Rosary in the City
Sat 25 – Sun 26 May: World Children’s Day
Sat 25 May – Sat 1 June: Care of Creation Retreat, Cumbria
Thu 30 May – Friday 7 June: Annual Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Sat 1 June: Restoring Pugin Study Day, Nottingham Cathedral
Sat 1 June: Workshop at Douai Abbey: On the Edges of Faith..?
Mon 3 June: Sight Loss Friendly Church Q&A, online
Sat 8 June: Church of Sanctuary Conference, Birmingham
Sat 8 June: Annual John Bradburne Pilgrimage, Cross Fell

We hope you are finding this e-newsletter useful. Please share with anyone you think will benefit, and encourage them to subscribe via the website.
If you have any news, events or information you’d like to share this way please email it to marked ‘For Newsletter’.
It’s great to see information coming into us which we can share with others, please keep it coming!