Archdiocese of Birmingham Newsletter 8th June 2023
Achieving our Vision Together |
![]() St Teresa of Calcutta is said to have remarked: “When you look at the crucifix, you understand how much Jesus loved you. When you look at the Sacred Host you understand how much Jesus loves you now.” As we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ we give thanks for this most precious gift from God, the Holy Eucharist, Jesus’ abiding and substantial presence with us, veiled beneath the appearance of bread and wine. His presence is dynamic. When we gather around the Eucharist, Jesus relates to us in the immediate circumstances of our life. He is loving us and strengthening us with his grace, that the beauty of his life may be alive within us. |
![]() Archbishop Bernard Longley has released a video inviting you, in our parishes, clusters and deaneries to reflect together on our great gift of faith, and as with the Synodal pathway, to meet and look to our future. Archbishop Bernard asks us to look, within our parishes, clusters and deaneries, at how we can share our resources and to look at what we are called to do within: evangelisation formation liturgy and worship social outreach He asks us how we can more effectively follow that pattern with the mandate given to us by the Lord Himself to be the church in any given place. Diocesan Vision: Unfolding God’s Plan |
![]() Birmingham – Join us for 1pm Mass at St Michael’s Church, celebrated by Bishop David Evans, followed by a Blessed Sacrament procession at 2pm, from St Michael’s Church to St Chad’s Cathedral, arriving at around 3pm. Sacred Heart, Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent – The Corpus Christi procession will follow on from the 11 am Sunday Mass (weather permitting). No roads will be crossed. Saint Augustine’s Church, Solihull – Corpus Christi Procession at the end of the 11am Mass on Sunday 11 June. The Oxford Oratory, Oxford – Sunday 11 June starting at 2.30pm at The Oratory, processing through the city to the University Catholic Chaplaincy, stopping at Blackfriars for a sermon on the way. Accompanied by a marching band. Ends with Benediction at the Chaplaincy, followed by refreshments. St Anne’s Catholic Primary School, Streetly – From the school to St Anne’s Parish Church on Wednesday 21 June following a whole school Mass. Procession will start at 10am and finish at the Church with the First Holy Communion children having a little celebration. Immaculate Conception, Bicester – All children who made their First Holy Communion this year will join with their parents with parishioners at 11 am Mass, which is followed by the Eucharistic Procession through the streets of Bicester to Garth Park, where we conclude our celebration with Benediction. Please send details of your town or city Corpus Christi processions, we are happy to advertise them in this newsletter. Send any information to Corpus Christi |
![]() The Fruits Of The Holy Spirit Led by Sister Brigid McNally, Sister of Mercy Handsworth This is the first face-to-face Justice and Peace Retreat held since before Covid-19. Donations on the day towards costs are most welcome Justice and Peace Retreat |
![]() Bishop David Oakley will be the keynote speaker at a free online mini-retreat to show how forgiveness is a powerful element in helping us to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. The meeting is hosted by “ADoRE”, one of the longest-running charismatic days of renewal in the country, and includes Mass, adoration, praise and worship and inspired teaching. Guest speaker on 24 June 10am-1pm is Bishop David Oakley, formerly Rector of St Mary’s College, Oscott; Bishop of Northampton since March 2020; and Episcopal Advisor for Charismatic Renewal to the Catholic Bishops Conference of England and Wales. He will focus on showing why forgiveness was such an important element of Christ’s mission, and is essential in our own efforts to evangelise. Bishop’s Mini Retreat |
![]() The Great Big Green Week is the UK’s biggest ever celebration of community action to tackle climate change and protect nature. Check out the events being organised or organise your own! For more information see the website: St Joseph’s Catholic Primary latest to scoop the Livesimply award. Pupils and staff from St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, Dudley achieved the LiveSimply Award after taking action to demonstrate they are living simply, sustainably and in solidarity with the world’s poorest communities. Championed by overseas development charity CAFOD, the award was presented to pupils and staff on 24 May 2023: St Joseph’s LiveSimply Award Season of Creation: Celebration Guide launched On 5 June, the Season of Creation Celebration Guide was launched. Each year from September 1 to October 4, the Christian family unites for this worldwide celebration of prayer and action to protect our common home. As followers of Christ from around the globe, we share a common call to care for creation. We are co-creatures and part of all that God has made. Our wellbeing is interwoven with the wellbeing of the Earth. This year, the theme for the season is “Let justice and peace flow”. The guide will help you learn about the season and plan to celebrate it. More resources, including webinars and prayer services, sample flyers and bulletin inserts are available online. Season of Creation |
![]() Join the family of Carmel in prayer together with Mary, the mother of Jesus, the Queen Beauty of Carmel (Cf. Acts 1:14) Thursday 13 – Saturday 15 July, 7-8pm daily. A Triduum Retreat in preparation for the Solemnity of Our Lady of Mount Carmel exploring Mary in the light of Sacred Scripture and the Carmelite tradition. Online only. Led by the Carmelite Retreat Team. Suggested donation: £40 (online) Our Lady of Mount Carmel Retreat |
![]() St John Henry Newman Research Centre for Catholic Theology Presents: A Catholic Geopolitics? A Retrospective on the Major Papal Writings of Francis by Professor Graham McAleer. Wednesday 14 June, 6pm. All welcome. Join us online for the latest in a series of occasional, public seminars by Maryvale academics. A Catholic Geopolitics? |
![]() ‘This is Alpha’on Thursday 15 June is an event designed for church leaders and Alpha teams. The day will be hosted by Alpha UK and we will be joined by Nicky & Pippa Gumbel, alongside other guests. You can expect worship, training, teaching on invitation, culture, stories and panels, with plenty of time for prayer. We’ll also be hosting various seminar streams, including running Alpha for Youth, leading prayer ministry well and going from good to great. There will also be a special gathering for Catholic delegates with the Alpha UK Catholic Context team where you can ask all your burning questions. Wherever you’re at on your Alpha journey, you are invited. This is Alpha |
![]() This year’s theme is ‘Listen to Her’ and focuses on post-abortion trauma and the impact of abortion primarily on women, but also men and others. The 2023 Day For Life message is unique in that the bishops have given it over to a Catholic woman who has had an abortion to share her experiences. Often the voices of women who have had an abortion are silent in Church and in society. The hope is that this will help break this silence and offer further opportunities for healing and reconciliation. Day for Life |
![]() The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) is having a petition weekend on Saturday 1- Sunday 2 July (or on another close weekend) to highlight coerced abortions in China, and how UK funds find their way into the Chinese abortion industry. SPUC can provide posters, petition sheets and more for every parish. Complicit: Petitions |
![]() OVERFLOW is the first national gathering organised by CHARIS England and Wales (CNSC). CHARIS seeks to bring together individuals, communities, prayer groups and movements in Catholic Charismatic Renewal, who share in baptism in the Holy Spirit in the Catholic Church and beyond. OVERFLOW will take place on Saturday 1 July at Bethel Convention Centre in Birmingham. Speakers include popular American speakers and couple Deacon Larry and Andi Oney, the Bishop of Northampton David Oakley, and young people from the Ascent – the discipleship movement which is sweeping across today’s youth like wildfire and raising up a new generation of passionate disciples of Christ. OVERFLOW |
![]() Birmingham Council of Christians and Jews presents: A Celebration of Christian and Jewish Music with the Kol Kinor Choir, explaining and singing Jewish Synagogue and Folk Music and the Vibrato String Quartet from the Seventh Day Adventists, playing and playing traditional Church Music. Refreshments will be served in the interval. Suggested Donation: £5 payable at the door. A Celebration of Christian and Jewish Music |
![]() Tabor Living, Birmingham’s only permanent shelter has recently expanded and is keen to recruit volunteers to support our roles: Hospitality Befriending Activities Volunteers are at the heart of Tabor Living and have helped change the lives of homeless individuals since we opened in September 2017. We urgently require volunteers to support our shifts: Evenings— 6pm-9pm (Sunday-Thursday) and 6pm-10pm (Friday/Saturday) Weekend day shifts of 8am-1pm and 1pm-6pm Overnight shifts Thursday & Sunday 9pm-7am or Friday 10pm-8am Befriending and activities volunteers— various hours throughout the week Frequency can be weekly, fortnightly, monthly or whatever you can offer. Come and join us at one of our open days: Tuesday 13 June—5pm-7pm Wednesday 12 July— 11am-1pm Saturday 16 September—9.30am-11.30am Jobs and Volunteering |
![]() Pact is the national Catholic charity providing support to prisoners and their families. Pact works in 11 prisons in the Archdiocese as well as in the community. Across England & Wales, an estimated 97,000 children will go to bed tonight without their mum or dad because they are in prison. You are warmly invited to the Pact Roadshow on Saturday morning, 15 July, in the Grimshaw Room at St Chad’s Cathedral. Archbishop Longley will open the event. Come and meet Pact staff and volunteers working locally. Jesus challenges us with these words: ‘I was in prison and you came to me.’ We welcome all, including those with lived experience of the criminal justice system and ecumenical friends Join the Pact Roadshow |
![]() Elizabeth I’s government secret service operated an elaborate surveillance network stretching across England and deep into continental Europe: its aim was to track, intercept, and capture Catholic priests as they arrived back home. So how was it that the majority of priests evaded detection and arrest as they re-entered England or Wales from their priestly training? Discover a number of hypotheses as to how such a feat was achieved. Tickets £10, part of the Harvington History Festival Harvington History Festival |
![]() Catholic Charismatic Renewal Birmingham (the CHARIS Group) would like to invite all potential and established worship leaders and musicians to express an interest in becoming a part of a Diocesan Worship Collective. Anyone who desires to develop a gift for leading worship with or without musical skills is invited to express an interest by contacting Justine Gaffney at or for an informal chat on 07551096269. Let us lift up our hearts ! |
![]() College Priest Chaplain at Mount St Mary’s College, Derbyshire. September 2023 start. Youth Ministry opportunity: KYT is also looking for a Digital Development Worker – apply by Friday 16 June. Jobs and Opportunities |
![]() Manresa Link and its members lead on Ignatian based Retreats In Daily Life, weeks of guided prayer and more! We offer this in parishes, chaplaincies, one-to-ones – and more! If you think you may be called to engage with others in this way, and would like to train, please contact them about the next course. The course will consist of 10 Saturday mornings, starting on Jan 13, and then some practice retreats. To enquire – Would love to hear from you. |
![]() Wednesday 4 October 9.15 registration for 10.00 – 16.15 Norton St James and The Beechill Room, Church Lane, Norton juxta Kempsey, Worcester, WR5 2PX. Do you want to find out more about recruiting and retaining volunteers, setting up a Friends Group or making the most of tourism opportunities in your church building? Church buildings have been used for activities beyond worship for hundreds of years and are perfectly placed to provide essential local services, enable wider social connections and for showcasing local and national heritage. However, as custodians of these wonderful buildings, it is not always easy to work out what is possible, where to start, and what help is available to achieve this. Booking details will be given when available. |
Dates for your diary: the month ahead Starts Thurs 8 June: Annual Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus Fri 9 June: Eternal Wall of Answered Prayer Land Blessing Sat 10 June: A Celebration of Servant of God, John Bradburne Sat 10 June: Justice and Peace Retreat Sun 11 June: Corpus Christi Processions Tue 13 June: Understanding Islam Wed 14 June: ‘A Catholic Geopolitics? – online forum Wed 14 June: Restore Training, week 2 Thurs 15 June: This is Alpha ’23 conference Fri 16 June: Renewal Night with Divine Renovation Sat 17 June: An Evening with St Thomas More Mon 19 June: Being a Welcoming Church: Session 4 – Homelessness Wed 21 June: Restore Training, week 3 Sat 24 June: Bishop’s Mini Retreat on the Power of Forgiveness Sat 1 July: OVERFLOW – CHARIS national gathering Sun 2 July: Annual Hednesford Pilgrimage Sun 2 July: Day of Celebration sharing in the gifts of people who experience disability, at Aylesford Priory Kent Mon 3 July – Thu 13 July: Oasis of Silence 10-day retreat course Mon 3 July: A Celebration of Christian and Jewish Music Tue 4 – Thu 6 July: Three-day Kairos Conference, Aylesbury Tue 11 July: Racial Justice in the Churhc Webinar |
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