Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes “…to build a chapel here…” |
Reflection: “…to build a chapel here…” The Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes begins this Saturday, 27 May. This week’s reflection is from Fr Jeremy Howard, Lourdes Pilgrimage Director. The pastoral theme at Lourdes this year moves on from Our Lady’s instruction to Bernadette to Go and tell the priests to the next words to build a chapel here. This command led to the building of the world famous Shrine. The word here reminds of the special place that Lourdes has in the hearts of so many as a special and holy place. As we begin our Diocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage on Saturday, we will ask the intercession of Our Lady in the place where she revealed herself to Bernadette, praying that our lives may be transformed to live our lives as authentic disciples of Jesus. However, from the earliest days, the grace of Lourdes has radiated throughout the world. We return from pilgrimage, inspired to build the church where we are and to bring Good News to the world. As we celebrate the Feast of Pentecost this Sunday, in the Shrine, we will give thanks for the coming of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles. But, as we honour our Blessed Lady, we should also recall her central role, at the heart of the community. “If the Church does not exist without Pentecost, neither does Pentecost exist without the Mother of Jesus, since she lived in a wholly unique way what the Church experiences each day under the action of the Holy Spirit” Pope Benedict XVI. |
Follow the Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes – #brum2lourdes The annual Diocesan Pilgrimage is returning to Lourdes from Saturday 27 May to Friday 2 June under the leadership of His Grace, Archbishop Bernard Longley and Bishop David Evans. Around 500 pilgrims are joining the Diocesan Pilgrimage with many other groups meeting up there, taking the numbers up to around 600. Those attending include children and young adults from schools, parishes and youth groups, called to serve. Plus a team from the Kenelm Youth Trust (KYT). Please pray for all those involved in this year’s pilgrimage to Lourdes, as they will be praying for you. Follow the Lourdes Pilgrimage on our website and by using the hashtag #Brum2Lourdes on social media. Lourdes Pilgrimage |
Sunday: Open Afternoon at Tabor Living Come and join the team of fabulous volunteers offering support to homeless individuals at the project in Birmingham. The Open Afternoon at Tabor Living is on Sunday 28 May, 2pm to 4pm, following its recent opening at St Catherine of Siena church. Volunteers are urgently required to support various shifts across the week and at weekends. Tabor Living event |
This week: Laudato Si’ Week From May 21 to 28, people around the world will come together to celebrate Laudato Si’ Week 2023, a commemoration dedicated to reflecting and acting upon the message of Pope Francis’ encyclical on the environment, Laudato Si’. This year’s theme, “Hope for the Earth. Hope for humanity,” focuses on the connectedness of all things and the need for a renewed commitment to environmental justice. The Columban Way Pilgrimage 24-27 May 2023 The Columban Missionaries invite you to celebrate Pentecost and Laudato Si’ Week by joining them on a pilgrimage to reflect on ‘the cry of the Earth, the cry of the poor’. A Columban group of ordained and lay pilgrims, led by Fr John Boles, will walk in the footsteps of St Columban from Padstow to Fowey in Cornwall from 24-27 May 2023. You are invited to join them as ‘virtual’ pilgrims and you can also sponsor them. Visit the event page at www.columbans.co.uk or email: columbanway2023@columbans.co.uk for more details and to register. Responding to the Call of Creation May’s edition can be found on the Diocesan website: Resources to Care for Creation. Laudato Si’ Week |
Annual Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus All welcome to join in person for the Annual Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus at Maryvale Chapel and Shrine of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The Novena of Masses will be celebrated by Bishop David Evans (Thursday 8 June) and eight other priests leading up to the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart, Friday 16 June. Maryvale House is a place of pilgrimage and devotion as well as an educational centre, and the focus of that devotion is the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Sacred Heart Novena |
Professor Stephen Alford – Plots and traitors, politics and equivocation: Robert Cecil and English Catholics Wednesday 26 July 7.00-8.30pm, Harvington Hall, Worcestershire. Elizabeth I’s government believed that it was under attack by an organized Catholic enemy at home and abroad. Refusal to worship in the Church of England was a subversive act; Catholic priests living secretly in England were denounced as traitors. But what explains all this? Stephen Alford will explore, mainly through the career of Robert Cecil, how the queen’s ministers understood the perils that beset Elizabeth and her kingdoms. Tickets £10, part of the Harvington History Festival Harvington History Festival |
Are your Quinquennial Inspections up to date? This session, on Thursday 25 May at 2pm, is for those looking to get a QI, have a QI and not sure what to do with it, or not sure about certain aspects of the QI. We will be discussing the useful tool of Parish Action Plans and how they can help you budget and maintain your properties. Keep an eye on the website for up and coming topics for these surgeries. When available they can be found under Parish Resources. As always Tom and Tarnia from the Archdiocesan Property Team can be contacted at: Tom.stockwell@rcaob.org.uk Tarnia.mcalester@rcaob.org.uk |
Sunday 11 June – Corpus Christi Processions in the Archdiocese Birmingham – Join us for 1pm Mass at St Michael’s Church, celebrated by Bishop David Evans, followed by a Blessed Sacrament procession at 2pm, from St Michael’s Church to St Chad’s Cathedral, arriving at around 3pm. Saint Augustine’s Church, Solihull – Corpus Christi Procession at the end of the 11am Mass on Sunday 11 June. The Oxford Oratory, Oxford – Sunday 11 June starting at 2.30pm at The Oratory, processing through the city to the University Catholic Chaplaincy, stopping at Blackfriars for a sermon on the way. Accompanied by a marching band. Ends with Benediction at the Chaplaincy, followed by refreshments. St Anne’s Catholic Primary School, Streetly – From the school to St Anne’s Parish Church on Wednesday 21 June following a whole school Mass. Procession will start at 10am and finish at the Church with the First Holy Communion children having a little celebration. Please send details of your town or city Corpus Christi processions, we are happy to advertise them in this newsletter. Send any information to communications@rcaob.org.uk Corpus Christi |
A view from Bethlehem Embrace the Middle East, in partnership with Coventry Cathedral and the Chapel of Unity, invite you to come and explore what it means to live together in the household of God from the perspective of Palestinian Christians. Dr Munther Isaac from Bethlehem will give a talk at 2.30pm, Wednesday 7 June, in the Chapel of Unity at Coventry Cathedral. Event details |
Eternal Wall of Answered Prayer Land Blessing The Eternal Wall Team invites you, along with your family and friends to join other supporters on Friday 9 and Saturday 10 June, between 10am and 5pm, for a two-hour visit of private reflection, prayer and dedication. Land Blessing |
Online Academic Forum St John Henry Newman Research Centre for Catholic Theology Presents: A Catholic Geopolitics? A Retrospective on the Major Papal Writings of Francis by Professor Graham McAleer. Wednesday 14 June, 6pm. All welcome. Join us online for the latest in a series of occasional, public seminars by Maryvale academics. A Catholic Geopolitics? |
Book for Summer Camp, 13-17 August Every summer, Kenelm and Life Teen UK host a summer camp for young people aged 12-18 from across the country. The camp lasts a week and involves a range of exciting activities. The camp is based at Alton Castle, making use of the activities Alton Castle have on site, visiting the nearby theme park Alton Towers, as well as heading off to a variety of different places for fun and games. Alongside this, summer camp provides spaces and times for prayer, adoration and for young Catholics to connect and gather together. Financial bursaries are available for young people in the Archdiocese who require extra support. Summer Camp – Find Out More |
Jobs and opportunities across the Archdiocese Including: College Priest Chaplain at Mount St Mary’s College, Derbyshire. September 2023 start. Youth Ministry opportunity: KYT is also looking for a Digital Development Worker – apply by Friday 16 June. Jobs and Opportunities |
Dates for your diary: the month ahead Wed 24 – Sat 27 May: Columban Way Pilgrimage Thu 25 May: Monasticism and Christian Unity Sat 27 May – Fri 2 June: Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes Sun 28 May: Open Afternoon at Tabor Living Thu 1 June: Thursday Live Organ Recital Fri 2 – Sun 4 June: Praying with the Saints Retreat Sat 3 June: Brother Michael Strode’s Centenary Mass Wed 7 June: Restore Training, week 1 Wed 7 June: Talk at Coventry Cathedral Starts Thurs 8 June: Annual Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus Fri 9 June: Eternal Wall of Answered Prayer Land Blessing Sat 10 June: A Celebration of Servant of God, John Bradburne Sun 11 June: Corpus Christi Processions Wed 14 June: ‘A Catholic Geopolitics? A Retrospective on the Major Papal Writings of Francis’ – online forum Wed 14 June: Restore Training, week 2 Thurs 15 June: This is Alpha ’23 conference Fri 16 June: Renewal Night with Divine Renovation Sat 17 June: An Evening with St Thomas More Sun 18 June: ACTA event: Bible reflections for Synodality Mon 19 June: Being a Welcoming Church: Session 4 – Homelessness Wed 21 June: Restore Training, week 3 |
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Supporting your parish You have asked us how you can continue giving to your parish. Parishes still greatly need your support. We do though recognise that many parishioners may be struggling financially, and there is no expectation to give where you are unable to do so. You can donate via standing order or single donation. Support your Parish |
Please follow us online If you are on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram please follow the Archdiocese of Birmingham online. Our accounts are being used more than ever before to share news, events and information. Twitter/ Facebook/ Instagram/ Web/YouTube |