Archdiocese of Birmingham newsletter 6th June 2024

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For all priests and deacons who quietly witness to Christ every day. Sacred Heart of Jesus enfold them. 

Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

Each priest seeks in his ministry, a dollop of common sense, a modicum of humility, a thick skin, a desire not to please everybody all the time, a love for Christ and his people, an awareness of personal weaknesses, kindness, gentleness and patience. These are not imparted at ordination, but to me, as time passes, they become an essential part of priesthood. To possess some of them, or all of them is rare, but seeking them makes the vocation of priesthood much more manageable. 

I take inspiration from the words of Pope Benedict XVI. 

In a letter penned to priests worldwide on June 19, 2009, the feast of the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, he reflected on the immense gift which the priesthood represents, not only for the Church, but also for humanity itself. 

“I think,” Pope Benedict wrote, “..of all those priests who quietly present Christ’s words and actions each day to the faithful and to the whole world, striving to be one with the Lord in their thoughts and their will, their sentiments and their style of life. How can I not pay tribute to their apostolic labours, their tireless and hidden service, their universal charity? And how can I not praise the courageous fidelity of so many priests who, even amid difficulties and incomprehension, remain faithful to their vocation as “friends of Christ”, whom He has called by name, chosen and sent?” 

Each year priests and deacons renew their commitment to their ministry and calling. This year the Mass of celebration for deacons of the Archdiocese falls on Saturday 8 June at St Chad’s Cathedral at 11.30am. 

Please pray for our priests and deacons: 

For all priests and deacons who quietly witness to Christ every day. Sacred Heart of Jesus enfold them.  

Fr Patrick Brennan 

Parish Priest at Holy Family, Coventry; St Francis of Assisi, Bedworth and Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, Bulkington.

Small plant plug with hands in background

Could you be a seed of hope?

The Archdiocese of Birmingham is inviting enthusiastic individuals to create a network of Environment Champions.  

Please help us get as many parish/cluster/deanery Environment Champions as we can.

Your mission is to be a channel of communication between the Archdiocese and your parish, cluster or deanery, to promote Care of Creation and to enthuse others to help in responding to Pope Francis’ call in Laudato Si’ to a spirituality which supports an ecological conversion. 

You will receive the full support of the Care for Creation Committee as part of the diocesan effort to act as stewards of creation.­

Invitation to Schools Sustainability Summit, Thursday 20 June

­An invitation from St John Bosco Multi Academy Company: 

Our thriving multi-academy trust is made up of eight schools, educating over 3,000 pupils across four different local authorities within the West Midlands. 

We warmly invite you to attend our Sustainability Summit which will take place on Thursday 20 June, 9.30am  – 3pm at Dudley Town Hall. 

We have been working on embedding the UN Sustainable Development Goals into our curriculum, giving our children a chance to become FACTIVISTS and have their voice heard on issues that are impacting them and others locally, nationally and globally. 

We will be bringing together 650 children from across all our schools in a truly spectacular event to showcase what they have been learning and giving them a platform to be advocates for change.­

New CEO at Father Hudson’s Care

Welcome Joanne Watters, the first female CEO at FHC, the social care agency of the Archdiocese of Birmingham

As the charity says goodbye to CEO Andy Quinn and wishes him all the best in his retirement, it welcomes new CEO Joanne Watters.   

Joanne has been working for Father Hudson’s Care for the last nine years as Head of Community Projects. 

Latest Year of Prayer talks at Henley on Thames

Sacred Heart is now hosting the latest set of talks on prayer and spirituality and you can join in-person or online.

This is the fifth set of talks in the Year of Prayer at the church and is different as it looks at prayer and spirituality through the prism of Psychology.

Running on Tuesday evenings at 7.30pm in the church or via live stream. The next session is Tuesday 11 June

Food for the journey: Making spiritual sense of our human lives, led by Fr Michael Doyle. ­Prayer talks

Left hand outstretched

Book now: Birmingham Catholic Charismatic Renewal Conference

Monday 12 – Friday 16 August, Coventry

Bishop David Oakley, Bishop of the Diocese of Northampton, will be the keynote speaker at this year’s conference which has as its theme Be Ready, with Zeal for the wedding of the lamb has come (revelation 19:7). 

The programme will include times for praise and worship, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, the daily celebration of Holy Mass, workshops and opportunities for fellowship.  ­Renewal Conference

Lifting the 50% Cap on Catholic School Admissions

We welcome the decision by the Education Secretary to lift the 50% cap on admissions for new free schools in England, and to allow Catholic special academies.  

The decision is subject to a consultation which closes on Thursday 20 June. It is important that there is a strong response to the consultation. 

For the past 14 years the Church has been making the case to remove the 50% cap on school admissions which has had a disproportionate effect on Catholic school provision. The Government has at last announced the lifting of the Cap, subject to the outcome of a consultation.  

The proposals will also allow the Catholic Church to establish special academies alongside our existing special schools.­

Black and white image of voting paper being placed in ballot box by hand.

General Election, Thursday 4 July­

Information and guidance on key issues of importance to us, as Catholics, to help inform how we vote. 

From Education and Environment to Life Issues and Migration. 

PLUS The Columban Missionaries in Britain’s Justice, Peace and Ecology team are inviting people to request extra copies of their latest ‘Vocation for Justice’ magazine filled with thought-provoking content in preparation of the General Election.­

Open laptop next to open Bible, with hands of person visible on laptop keyboard.

Are you looking to study Catholic theology?

­Find out more about what’s on offer at Maryvale Institute

Recruitment for Bachelor of Divinity (BDiv) and Licence Programmes is now open for 2024/25, for those looking to study with the Maryvale Higher Institute of Religious Sciences (HIRS), the only ecclesial institute of this kind in the English-speaking world. 

Maryvale HIRS operates both the BDiv and Licence Programmes, theology qualifications recognised by the Holy See. 

Now recruiting for: 

Ecclesiastical Bachelor of Divinity Programme 

Ecclesiastical Bachelor of Divinity Programme: Oscott Diaconal Pathway 

Ecclesiastical Licence in Divinity: Pathway in Catechetical Sciences Programme.­

Get involved in Great Big Green Week!

­Starts this Saturday, 8 – Sunday 16 June

­The Columbans in Britain are encouraging our local Catholic schools (and parishes!) to support Great Big Green Week by hosting an easy-to-organise, high-impact event. 

Families are invited to bring and swap books/clothes/uniform and share Catholic Social Teaching with the wider community, whilst at the same time sending a gentle message to politicians that action needs to be taken for Our Common Home.­Great Big Green Week

Ray of light shines down body of water with ripples in

CAFOD hosts ‘Ripples of Hope’ event, Leamington Spa

­This Saturday, 8 June at St Peter Apostle

A day of inspiration and spiritual nourishment with guest speaker David Wells, a well-known and much-loved Catholic speaker, teacher and author. 

Plus the latest news from CAFOD Director Christine Allen. 

CAFOD volunteers and supporters are all welcome to join this day of reflection and prayer.­Ripples of Hope

Two hands, with one reaching down to a cupped hand underneath

Calling all volunteers! Discover how you can support Tabor Living­

Open Evening on Monday 17 June, Birmingham

­Tabor Living’s network of volunteers is growing, although we still need to increase our numbers to help ensure the project runs 24/7 for 365 days a year!  Can you help by committing to a few hours each week/fortnightly/or as and when you can?   All invited to the next Open Evening on Monday 17 June, 6.30pm to 8pm at St Catherine of Siena, Birmingham.­

Two hands holding in front of tree in background.

God Still Calls – Come and See Weekend

An Invitation from The Sisters of Charity of St Paul the Apostle

Saturday 15 – Sunday 16 June at The Dupuis Centre, Selly Park, Birmingham. 

Starting with Mass at 10am on Saturday and concluding at 2pm on Sunday. The event is aimed at women aged 20 to 45. 

Presentations over the weekend plus opportunities for quiet prayer and reflection and Sisters sharing their vocation story. ­God Still Calls

Come and See! Vocations Weekend

Friday 21 – Sunday 23 June, Selly Park, Birmingham

Do you feel a call to be a Priest or a Religious? 

The Sacred Heart Fathers and Brothers (Betharram) invite you to a ‘Come and See Weekend’ to Explore the Gift of Vocation to the Religious Life and Priesthood. 

From the evening of Friday 21 June to Sunday 23 June

Poetry Night Invitation­

Holy Trinity, Sutton Coldfield, Saturday 15 June­

The Church has always had a great tradition of promoting the arts, from painting and pottery to poetry and everything in between. 

Holy Trinity parish, Sutton Coldfield, is hosting a poetry night for all poetry lovers on Saturday 15 June. 

Please bring along a favourite poem (classic or contemporary) to share with others, or come and listen to others reading their chosen words. 

All are welcome.­

Jobs and Volunteering­

Opportunities with the Archdiocese and other organisations­

Chartered Surveyor (RICS) General Practice Surveyor  The Archdiocese is seeking to recruit an enthusiastic and experienced RICS Chartered General Practice Surveyor to join its Property Team. 

The key role of the Property Team is to provide advice and guidance for management of parish property, the school estate as well as manage all property held centrally by the Archdiocese.  

Permanent / Full-Time role. 

Application deadline: Friday 21 June. 

Volunteers needed at St Mary’s College, Oscott The seminary of the Archdiocese of Birmingham. 

Oscott College is looking to expand its volunteer team as a result of changes to the onsite museum and its promotion. We are looking for individuals to fill the following roles: Tour guides (from September 2024)
Museum and Chapel stewards
Event assistants. 

Do you have a passion for cooking and a heart for helping others? The Knights of Malta, in partnership with St. Catherine of Siena Church on Bristol Street, Birmingham are looking to host regular (starting monthly) food cafés/banquets at the St Catherine of Siena church.  

They have a fully equipped industrial kitchen and a small team of dedicated volunteers, they really want to make a real difference in the lives of the homeless in Birmingham. 

They are currently looking for a talented chef/cook to join them in creating delicious dishes and spreading warmth and comfort through food.  

Cooking up some kindness together! 

CAFOD School Volunteers Looking for a new challenge? Could you visit schools in your local area to deliver assemblies and workshops about our work and encourage young people to take action, fundraise and pray with CAFOD? 

Use your skills for the common good and be an active part of creating a world without poverty. 

Faith in Action Volunteer Programme The Columbans in Britain are excited to once again be recruiting young adult volunteers to embark on a year of personal development and growth as part of their unique Faith in Action Volunteer programme.

Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) Volunteers The charity needs help with:

  • Sharing mailings with your parish
  • Including ACN regularly in parish prayers
  • Fundraising to support projects
  • Supporting ACN school projects
  • Leading a parish Red Wednesday event

Marriage Care Trustees The board of Catholic Marriage Care are seeking new members to join them in enabling the vital relationship support services they provide to the Catholic Community and beyond. 

Marriage Care are the largest faith-based relationship support charity in the UK – providing marriage preparation, support, and low-cost relationship counselling to those in need and making the world of difference to couples and families.

Events and retreats beyond the Archdiocese

Staging Mass in Early Modern Drama­

Wednesday 12 June – London­

Dr Gašper Jakovac (University College London) is leading a workshop in the intimate surrounds of the Sam Wanamaker Playhouse, at the Globe Theatre, London, exploring how early modern playwrights navigated Reformation England’s relationship with Catholicism. 

Alongside examples from commercial playhouses, the workshop will consider a unique Catholic drama from early seventeenth-century Shropshire: The History of Purgatory. This forgotten text provides us with privileged access to the hopes, anxieties and steadfast belief of the Catholic community living under penal laws. 

Fr Ryan Service, assistant priest at Holy Trinity, Sutton Coldfield, will be taking to the boards at the event to play the role of priest in the texts that are being explored. 

Seated tickets are £12.­

Reflections in the Mirror – A Journey with St Clare of Assisi­

Friday 14 – Sunday 16 June at Franciscan Centre, Ladywell, Surrey

How can the fidelity of Clare and Agnes to their particular vocation inspire us today? We shall explore the four letters Clare writes to Agnes. By weaving together history and spirituality, participants will be invited into the God-centred world of Clare. By sifting out the key elements of Clare’s spirituality through her letters to Agnes, we shall explore her legacy for us today. A woman of profound courage, with much to teach us as we navigate our own journeys to God.­


A Programme for Couples Struggling in their Marriages­

Welwyn Garden City Friday 14 – Sunday 16 June Help Your Marriage – Do you feel alone? Are you frustrated or angry with each other? Do you argue… or have you just stopped talking to each other? Does talking about it only make it worse? 

Retrouvaille is a programme to support couples who have difficulties in their marriage. It brings a positive focus, new hope and helps nourish and grow your marriage. 

Retrouvaille is a Catholic programme but is open to married couples of any faith, or none. It is offered as a gift from the Catholic Church to any married couple who wishes to heal the difficulties they are experiencing in their marriage. 

The programme helps spouses uncover or re-awaken the love, trust and commitment that originally brought them together. It helps them through difficult times whether they are disillusioned or in deep misery. There is no group therapy or group work.­

Royal Priesthood and Renewal of the Church

Thursday 20 to Saturday 22 June at St Mary’s University, Twickenham­

St Mary’s University in partnership with the Aquinas Center for Theological Renewal at Ave Maria University, announces a groundbreaking conference at the end of June aimed at reigniting theological dialogue in the UK and engaging a wider audience. 

The conference will examine the theme of the Royal Priesthood and its significance for the renewal of the Church. Drawing from the first letter of St Peter, ‘You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession’, this event promises both deep theological insights and practical applications. 

Bible Summit, London­

St Patrick’s Church, Soho Square, Saturday 22 June

Reading the Bible is not always easy. In the busyness of life, our encounter with the Word of God is often just the readings at Mass or when we find a spare moment. Perhaps at times we find it dry, unexciting, or obscure – like reading a language we don’t fully understand. 

Relatable? Then The Bible Summit is your answer. 

The Bible Summit will bring together renowned Biblical experts for talks, sessions and panel conversations designed to help Catholics to encounter God in His Word, to learn and explore the rich, vibrant language of the ‘God who speaks’. 

As part of the Summit, we’re also hosting an exclusive Student Meet with Dr Sri including a Q&A on faith and student life today: entry for current or recently graduated students is included in our discounted Student Tickets.­Join the Bible Summit

Dates for your diary: the month ahead

 Concludes tomorrow, Friday 7 June: Annual Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus 

Sat 8 June: Church of Sanctuary Conference, Birmingham 

Sat 8 June: Annual John Bradburne Pilgrimage, Cross Fell 

Sat 8 June: Ripples of Hope event, Leamington Spa 

Tue 11 June: Restore Training Course Session 1 

Tue 11 June: Grandparents Faith Café with Guest Speaker Lorene DuQuin 

Wed 12 – Fri 14 June: Catholic Parish Summit Hosted by Divine Renovation 

Wed 12 June: Staging Mass in Early Modern Drama 

Fri 14 – Sun 16 June: Retrouvaille Programme 

Sat 15 – Sun 16 June: God Still Calls – ‘Come and See’ weekend 

Sat 15 June: Poetry Evening, Sutton Coldfield 

Sun 16 June: Day for Life 

Mon 17 June: Tabor Living volunteer event 

Tues 18 June: Restore Training Course Session 2 

Thu 20 June: Schools Sustainability Event 

Thu 20 June: Online Academic Forum hosted by Maryvale Institute 

Thu 20 – Sat 22 JuneRenewing the Church: Discover the Royal Priesthood at St Mary’s University (Conference) 

Fri 21 – Sun 23 June: Come and See! Vocations Weekend 

Sat 22 – Sun 23 June: KYT host ‘It’s a Knockout’ 

Sat 22 June: Explore Carmelite Spirituality and Prayer 

Tues 25 June: Restore Training Course Session 3 

Sat 29 June: Justice and Peace Retreat, Birmingham 

Sat 29 June: Celebration Day – The Centre for Applied Carmelite Spirituality, Oxford 

Sun 7 July: Diocesan Pilgrimage to Hednesford, Staffordshire 

Mon 8 – Fri 12 July – Five-day pilgrimage to Walsingham

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Our accounts are being used more than ever before to share news, events and information.


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